Thursday, July 10, 2008

First on the list

And so, I'm back to blogger once again. Don't ask me the reason for changing, just felt like to.
Anyway, I've been busy staying back in school to finish up the IDEA F1 car design, and today was quite fruitful I guess.
I'm done with the fucking OC group presentation, and I got a damn C ! C man ! I was expecting a B, but oh well.. One guy in my class got an A, hacker ah he, I think he go internet find hack put inside his head one ~
Today ! I was craving for some SweetTalk, so I went to buy it, and it was this china lady who was serving me. I thought nothing was up ah, but when she turned and proceed to seal up the cover of the drink, I looked at her arms (She was wearing like a singlet by the way ) and OMFG THERE WAS FREAKING LOTS OF ARMPIT HAIR, LIKE BOOM ! Fucking disgusting sial ! I just stood there and my whole head was thinking 'omfg omfg omfg'.
It's soccer tomorrow ! Probably 2 sessions, 1 in the morning with classmates, and another in the evening with the usuals. If the evening session was like last week's, man it'll be a blast man.
Okay bye bye !


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