Thursday, April 30, 2009


I received a SMS today, here's what it says :

" They once said when a black man is elected, pigs would fly.. Now 100days after Obama was elected, here comes the Swine Flu. "

Quite true. But I think it's a piece of bull-a-shit.

I advice you who is reading this now to click on 'Dan' at my Links section and read the latest post.
A huge amen to that, for sure.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So much for me to blog yet a little only for me to remember. Hmmmm.

Do you take the MRT often?
If you do, I think you know the sleeping trick.
& if you know you love that trick, well screw you down.
I despise you by the way. Opps.

Man Utd vs Arsenal today.
Sleeping time !

Sunday, April 26, 2009


I'm in my room, sitting down,
Relaxing, using my lappy, playing some games, chatting on MSN.
Everything's fine.

Except for the fact that I'm sweating like a fool for 4 hours.
Sitting down.

Good game..

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lesson time.

I just screwed my blog's template,
& I just saved it.
And you bet I'm glad it was a default template when it crashed.

Lesson Learnt.


It got screwed once again, I don't know why.
Okay I promise now I learnt my lesson already,
I backup my whole shitzel template.

Take that, error!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Messy messy

Many, many things going through my mind now.
School, weekends, games, gym, whatever, retards, noobs, fags, whatever.

A little thing to talk about, which is the bridge connecting Dover MRT to SP, is PACKED TO THE MAX yesterday and today,
Which is enough to piss your day off, because everyone was standing at the sides.
After the bridge, you can either turn left or straight, but there's also freshies (I assumed) standing at the sides.
Freshies ni zai bu zai?

Oh I smelt many unpleasant stuffs today, starting from my big business, moving on to this particular construction worker at the MRT,
And lastly this whom I assume again is a China guy who looks like a nerd.

It's a messy day today.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Unwanted friend

I do believe that God make mistakes somehow.

I've got this horrible friend. Let me talk more about him.
He's a worthless piece of shit, who started going to church for girls. One more time, GIRLS.
He tried chasing each one of them, but failed miserably because of his immatured ways and stuff.
And when one fails, he goes to another, and obviously, it ends up as a failure as well.
He came to my secondary school and acted as a motherfucking Cadet Lieutenant.
I still don't know why he did that.
The best part about him is, he 'borrows' people stuff, most commonly money.
Well he borrowed $50 from me, and couple of hundreds from other people here and there.
Not forgetting guitar effects from this church guy.
And when you ask him to return it to you because you need it urgently and such, here's his response :
MSN - No reply, or block
SMS - No reply
Call - No answer

And it just goes on like that, with a ton of debts still on him.
And he don't even want to return it to them.
Wonder where he lost his sense of guilt.
Although he's returned me my $50, I'm freaking disgusted with his actions.
Guess it's very true that, older people are still much more immatured that you expect them to be.

Wonder why God created him as well. He should just kill him.
If you know it's you, and somehow you're reading this,
You know you'll die early. That's for sure.
And fuck you and your actions.
You don't deserve to even exist.

And a gift for you as well,

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Brute?

Quite a lame but somehow fun game. Try it !

When we were young

Without my younger sister

My dad's in a retarded mood today, too much thrash talking. Gosh
Dad's never-fail-to-say phrase when I'm in the car : "You know when you small and sick ah, your mummy suck the mucus from your nose you know"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

General Knowledge

I just realised that my GK seriously sucks totally.
I needa buck up on it.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's time

I found this in my pictures, guess I found it quite a while ago, wonder if I showed this before. Ah whatever..
Gosh it's been a week.
School's starting, once again, next week. Holy shit
Ok lets hope life at school would be great and whatever~
I'm quite looking forward to this Sunday, if everything turns out fine. I think.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I thought of typing every single details about the chalet, but no.
Overall its (Y)
Clement show's at my Facebook, do check it out, no offence to anyone by the way.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

What's yours?

A summary of what have been going on the past few days : -

1. Veron's birthday
2. XLink Kai is a freaking pisser.
3. Waking up early
4. Gyming with Dan
5. Taking afternoon naps and sleeping very well
6. Sleeping in the night and can never get to sleep
7. Pranking 8 people in my class that we all changed classes
8. Doing nothing.
9. Looking at why Singapore is such a 'why is this so' place