Saturday, July 12, 2008


And I'm finally awake and free to blog, oh yes.
Soccer yesterday was fine, although the evening session wasn't like previously. And I injured my toe, there's like some cramping up pain in it halfway and I had to stop playing, man oh man, and I ended up playing psp lol.
Went to Nigel's house after that to stay over to go to the OSIM run the next morning, and we were all dead already by the time we got there, sibei tired. The race's supposed to start at 8am, and we have to report there by like 5am, so stupid sia, and my role was also the slacking one. It was nice to see all the runners cross the finishing line, like so cool lah, especially those junior elites. I'm motivated to become like them (I'm kidding)
Got my $20 and went back to Nigel's house to take my stuff, and after walking a while already, I checked my bag and realised my phone wasn't with me! And I have to make my damn way back to his house to take it, and then walk all the way back home again. K.O once I reached home~
Now to something more sian, there's script writing for OC on this wednesday ! And I haven't even finish my individual project yet, and the script writing is on our individual project. Damn.. OC is such a hassle, stupid module, now I think it's worst than IDEA. I so want to finish up the project, but ya know, I bet we all love this one very word, 'procrastination' - Amen ?


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