Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A small error

Here's what I found out :
Because of one small mistake that you made, it will cause you to regret it later.
I'll link everything up.
I didn't know the right way for my driving, I finished the BTT & FTT and then started my practical,
When actually I can start earlier already,
Which cause me to take slightly longer to finish my driving.
I wanted an early August test date, but due to me booking just 1 lesson during May and not checking on that day,
I ended up with end August.
Exams are end August, I can't risk booking the test date without knowing my exam schedule,
So I had to take the test after my exam, which is 5th Sept, Saturday onwards.
I went to check this particular day which gave me 4th Sept, Friday, but I don't know if I have an exam on that day,
So I can't risk, & I was thinking of 5th Sept,
So I went there 2 days later, only to be told the earliest test date was 7 Sept, Monday.
No choice I had to book that test date,
& now, there's an overseas attachment to a renowned aircraft company,
And they're leaving from Singapore during the weekends.
But I'm having my test date on 7 Sept, which is after the weekends.
That leaves out overseas attachment and only local attachment.

See, just one small mistake can lead to this

If I knew that I can start practical straight after I register, I would finish my driving much earlier.
If I just went to check on my one lesson during May, I would be able to gauge when to book.
For that, I wold be able to get early August for my test date.
If I just knew my exam schedule, I would be able to book on 4th Sept.
If I just went there a day earlier, 5th Sept would be available for me.
If I booked on 5th Sept, my test date won't be on 7th Sept.
Which in turn makes me available to join the overseas attachment,
And leave Singapore during the weekends.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friend times are great times

I'm dead beat from Friday and yesterday.. Damnn
But nonetheless, both of it was time & money well spent.
A happy 18th waterfall birthday to Evelyn!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A matter of life

It's been a while since I've talked about life.
So today, I'll talk a little bit about my current life.
Life feels very stagnant.
Exams seems much nearer than you think, approximately 1 month time.
Revision status : GONE
That includes AEIS, ACC, Mechanics, and not forgetting E.Maths II.
I've got a presentation this week as well, but I haven't prepare for it,
Got another presentation + report next week, but I haven't prepare for it either.
Three cheers for presentations and reports!
But though all these stress, I'm looking forward to a wonderful weekend coming up,
Class gathering on Friday and Xiao Eve big birthday on Saturday.
And then it's back to usual. Oh well.
Life's a bitch sometimes.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SP OOPS! Magazine

I just got this free book from SP, and quite a few stories is very interesting,
But here's one that I wanna type out for other people to see,
Especially to gamers, including me, to see and take note.
REMINDER : All words comes from SP OOPS! Magazine, and none of it is mine

'You Gotta Get A Life'

Check out these 2 videos. One of them shows an American who literally freaks out when he realises his mother cancelled his World of Warcraft (WoW) account. For those of you who don't know what WoW is, it's basically an online game which gamers have to pay a monthly subscription fee to play. People who play WoW tend to coop themselves up, hours at a time just to play the game so that money spent is worth it.

And althought the video above features an American boy, such erratic behaviour because of gaming is not uncommon in Singapore. Just go to any computer LAN shop in your neighbourhood, and count the number of arguments that occer in an hour. You'll be surprised.

Electronic gaming is a fairly new industry. The first games were created only in the 1970s, and back in those days, the games can be finished in one day so it wasn't easy to get addicted. It's only in recent years that gamers are developing an insatiable addiction for electronic gaming. More and more massive multiplayer online games, or as gamers would call them MMO, are sprouting up and gamers devote their entire free time to such games.

Why do gamers devote such time and effort into such games? To become the best in the game, of course! It's sad to think that people actually find joy in being successful in something where you sit behind a computer screen and do, with no financial reward whatsoever. In fact, you incur extra electrical costs so you're actually spending money.

Not only that, many gamers devote so much time to gaming that they sometime neglect their friends and family. Cases where boyfriends choose to play a game instead of meeting his girlfriend are not uncommon. Virtual relationships with virtual friends can never replace a true friendship and neither can it replace the warmth of a family.

(I'll skip the CURES part, it's common sense)

It's common to see people engrossed playing Sony PSPs and Nintendo DS while travelling on public transport. There's nothing wrong with gaming when you're using it to pass time. Heck, a game now and then when you're bored is perfectly fine. But when gaming becomes your life's objective, then there is a problem. Cure it while you're still young. 'Cuz there's still time.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I've got..

A good idea.

Meeting up every friday to do something/dinner/ chill.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Death of a legend

Hello there,
It's been a while!
I'm gonna talk about something today which I think that's gonna make you think about some things,
At least for now.

Everyone knows MJ died a while ago.
After he died, suddenly everyone starts mourning, starts to listen to his songs,
And actually realize how actually meaningful his songs are,
Heal the world, Black & White,
Everything was for the sake of those less fortunate people and for racism.
But how many have you seen talk about MJ before he died, seriously?
Everyone wasn't giving a hoot about him at all,
And then when his death came, suddenly everyone starts to appreciate his songs,
And the whole world starts talking about his songs, his life,
But never about his flaws.

But what about when he was alive? I believe that most of us looked at his pedophilia ( I don't know if that's true, sorry if I said something wrong ) side,
And not his 'King Of Pop' side.

No one appreciates people when they're alive.
Only when they're gone, then you start to feel it,
You feel sad, you start to miss them.
And then you regret not cherishing them enough while they were still by your side.
I know I'm a victim of this as well,
But all in all, that's life right?
Think about it

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

4 points

Pointless comparison.
Self centered.
Senseless behaviour.

In conclusion, something is wrong with you

By the way Zulkhairi, if you see this, I think that people like you are very, very hard to find,
A compliment man!