Monday, July 14, 2008

three cheers to the screwed day

Yeah, today was exactly like the title of this post.
I was supposed to go to school to do the IDEA car at 8am, and I told Fatiha already as well, but I overslept till 9.45am, and Fatiha too, so there was only Victor there. Called Dennis to inform him, and I was the first to reach there other than Dennis and Victor, and what the fuck man, Victor is like fucking blaming me for everything. Dennis as well, 'blame the guy opposite me (which is me)', what the fuck man ~ Fucking Victor is also making it as though its entirely my fault, like why can't he blame that bitch, and blame it all to me, like I'm in charge of calling those motherfuckers, and if they're late or whatsoever, its my fault. Fuck you man.
And then, even lunch, Victor is still fucking blaming me for suggesting to go Boon Lay to eat, because he didn't bring his ez link, like wtf, it's his fucking problem man. Even when Dennis drop his DS, he says it's my fault. Yeah, !!!!!!
Then later on, Fatiha FINALLY came, which is like 3pm. And I made a bet with those that were there that I won't say vulgarities until 4.30pm, if I passed, they have to treat me, if I fail, I'll treat all of them. And during that process, those fuckers were pissing me off, fucking feel like slashing their throat, especially Kelvin, knn talk until so fucky. Then I passed, and he was there asking us, 'who say we owe Bjorn a treat?' Like fucker sia, never keep to his word, then act blur, fuck man. I hate my class. Maybe it's my problem, but I just don't believe it's entirely my fault, fucking IDEA.
And I wasted my time playing Football Manager 2008 at home the whole night today. It's fun and addictive, but losing to some noob team is infuriating, exactly like Pro Evo Soccer 2008, but this ain't so bad.
Anyway, enough of those pissers, now to something more worrying. Wednesday's OC script writing, and yeah, I'm not yet done with it. What the hell man, I totally hate OC and IDEA. Both sucks, IDEA more definitely.
Alright, it's time to kiss the night goodbye now , Bye people ~


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