Thursday, October 22, 2009

Have... you met Ted?

Watched HIMYM?
Most guys are like Ted.
Sometimes during a particular moment of our daily life, like we're taking the bus to school, or maybe the train.
Then you spotted this cute and pretty girl,
And you look at her, and somehow, she looks at you too!
And then many thoughts start dribbling in your head.
You start thinking, 'Oh this girl is so cute, and she's looking at me! I think we have a connection..'
More 'severe' one would be 'I'm gonna make her my wife.'
I bumped into one just now, and yes I looked at her, she looked at me a few times, so there was the intersection of electricity just now.
But think about it, this doesn't happen every time.
In fact, this happens once. One and only 1 time.
You see her 1 time, and boomz, off she goes out of your life.
Of course if fate permits, you'll bump into each other again.
But seriously, what are the chances?


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