Saturday, August 22, 2009


How important are friends in your life?
Out of 100%, I think 99.9% think that friends are important.
that 0.1% goes out to geeks by the way.
Although I said last time that family are the most important, but friends are important as well,
But family still comes first.
But honestly, I really pity those geeks whose family is their only companion,
I mean, how can they survive, like seriously.
Friends in school ain't even friends, they're just classmates.
Something should change seriously..

Anyway, wanted to talk about this few days ago, but forgotten about it and thanks be to God that I just remembered it.
I'll say things in terms of my current age.
I've made many friends, primary school, secondary school, and now, poly.
3 groups, but I'm still mixing with all of them, but not as much to my primary school,
But definitely secondary school friends owns all big time.
I don't know for you, but for me, I can safely assume that I enjoy the company of my secondary school friends more than both poly or primary
Reason being that secondary school is arguably the best time of all.
But different people are different, some of them have best friends at where they are, and when they move on, they got a different group of best friends.
I'm not trying to discriminate here,
But I think that everyone shouldn't have progressive friends.
By progressive I mean that when you leave from primary school to secondary school, you forget about your primary school friends.
When you leave from secondary school to poly/jc, you forget about your secondary school friends, so on.
Three cheers to lasting friends.


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