Saturday, July 19, 2008

bj + man's best friend

That's the title of the picture itself. Ain't my dog such a babe!? Well, this is gonna be a maybe random post, so bear with me.

When I grow up, I want a dog. LOL. Yeah random uh, like, I would love to live in a flat and rear a cute dog. Okay I really don't know how to continue anymore, so next~

I've been playing Football Manager 2008 the past few days, and I noticed something. It's super addictive, and I seriously got some big nuts in my head. I get so fucked up whenever I lost a match, because it's like, my whole team suddenly screwed up and I get angry over nothing. What the heck man ! Now I've no mood to play it because it feels so boring now, maybe next time.

I've asked my parents what they thought of a bike already, my dad was fine with it, from what I concluded, and my mom's like totally on the other side. She objects so strongly to me getting a bike.. Although I know it's because of my safety. But well.. Shall see how.

Played soccer with the usuals yesterday, it was awesome, with some 'ah bengs' coming and join us as if they're big fucks, and they look so ridiculous, all of them lol~

School nowadays have been the same old shit and shit again, I just finished my script writing (Did I blogged that already?), and the next few tests are in a few weeks time. Like, 2 lab tests in 2 weeks time, and one of them is mechanics. Damn ! I know nuts about it !

Okay people............... I'm going off already..... Haha.... Good night.... :)



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