Monday, May 25, 2009

Saviour King

My Journey With God.

I'm gonna talk about my walk with God now, decision to read lies on you.
P/S : Pictures are there to make this post not so wordy

It all started during secondary 3 for me, when my older sister brought me to this church at Expo called FCBC , in short for Faith Community Baptist Church.
I enjoyed the services and cell groups , making more friends in the process, and then during August if I didn't remember wrongly, I 'officially' accepted Jesus Christ in my life.
So life was really fun during those times, there were great brothers, and because of them,
I started to drift away from my secondary school clique, mainly because I thought my church mates were more understanding and more fun than my secondary school clique.
But, my parents were against me going church, though I was quite persistent. So from secondary 3 all the way till secondary 4 mid June, I was hanging out with them everytime,
From playing pool, going out to slack, and even 7 people staying over my place frequently.
I was a Die Hard christian during that period.
Those who've known me long would know that.
And my parents were obviously unhappy.
For your info, I think the main reason why my parents were unhappy was that,
After going church, me and my two sisters were expected to respect our parents more,
But we ended up being more rude, I don't know how it turned out that way either.
Church was kinda my priority during that time, even during exam period, I wanted to go church, because my cell leader says that even during exam, you have to make time for God.
Being a Die Hard, I was obviously listening to what he told me,
But my parents was once again against it. So I was finally stopped from going church during mid June.

Until after O level, I started to go back again. But this time I was more with my secondary school clique again.
So yeah, on and on, until I don't know when, I left the church, simply because the people there were very immature, I think.
And pressure's being placed on me as well, it's like, there's this 'expectation' of you from the cell leader, and my cell leader expects me to meet to his expectation,
Although my cell leader ain't as worst as my buddy cell leader. I'll elaborate more on that later.
So yeah, I spoke to my cell leader about it, and thank God, he was very understanding, so I 'took a break' from church,
And from then on I led my normal life again, but occasionally there's this feeling of wanting to just go back and worship God,
Maybe once in 3 months or so,
But sorry to say, I still think the people there suck.

Okay now on more of my 'point of view', and reasons why I left myself.
People say that church people are much more matured than those who don't go to church,
But if you ask me, I see more bullshit assbags in my church than in public, it pisses me off to see them act like that.
And there's this 'rules' in church, like, no relationships, no going out with a girl one-on-one, you have to tell your cell leader, and I followed those 'rules' during my Die Hard period.
But after that, I thought every single piece of it was rubbish.
Now talking about my buddy cell. Earlier on, my cell was the one with the least people among the 2 cells, but now, it's vice versa. Reason?
Simply because the buddy cell leader places too much pressure on his cell members, very high expectations, like, you have to go to church and cell group every week, if you don't, you have to give a valid reason.
No need for me to say a whole chunk of words to describe this.
I've got many friends who left church because of this pressure as well.

Lastly, even though I swear around and such, there's still this part of me who still loves God, and believes Him.
My faith is very wavy, but in a sense, stable.
Come to think of it, I'm kinda like Ron. LOL
I guess even though he jokes around and does his bullshit,
He still loves God all the way.
Finally, christian songs are still, and forever, the best songs in the world.

Jesus loves me, yes I know.


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