Monday, September 22, 2008


Crisitiano Ronaldo

I miss playing soccer every Friday/Sunday ! It's been like 1 month or more since we've discuss and play already. I don't care, when the school term starts again, There'll be soccer every Friday. Usuals who are reading this, better keep every Friday free !

So anyway, I managed to get half day off today. Actually, The bloody cc don't allow me to even take off, so I had no choice but to lie, well what can I do ? My mom told me what to say anyway, so that means I got her support lol. The manager called halfway, and I swear, I wanted to just shout Cheese Balls over the phone to her. The way she talks, seriously, she needs some swearing in her face. Wonder why she's a 'Mrs' and not a 'Ms' anyway. Oh well who cares, I got the half day I wanted, so yeah.

Met up with Fizzy Pop before heading down to Orchard to meet the rest. Had Seoul Garden, a very good meal. Well there's really nothing much to talk about here, only pictures can say everything. Cabbed back to prata house with Jon, while dropping Ron halfway. Met with Xunfu and Nigel there for Chelsea vs Man Utd ! Bloody referee, giving 7 yellow cards to Man Utd players, and only 1 to Chelsea players. Biased piece of shit bag. Ended in a 1-1 draw, sucks man ! Went to Jon's house to lepat a while before heading back home.

So, I was bathing just now. And you know, bathing makes you think about some things. Today, while I was bathing, I thought about this, friends. Knowing that there's so much of my buddies out there, it's a wonderful feeling. Of course, I'm not like some loser who tries so hard to make himself feel better by telling himself that his bunch of friends is enough. I think he's more of a joke himself ~

Back to what I'm saying, friends. I've got buddies out there, those whom I can just tell them my problems and such, I don't have to name them, you people know who you are right? ;) Still remember one time when one of my buddy asked me, 'What if one day I just don't treat you as a friend anymore?' My answer was I know it won't happen, so no point answering. There's a possibility la, maybe because of a girl or something, but nah, that'd be stupid ahaha.

Linking this topic up, we tell our problems to our friends. But, do we tell them to our family? Ask yourself people, I can bet most of you don't, because I don't myself either. I guess it's the same reason for all of us, we'll feel wierd telling our problems to our family, although we know they're only the ones who will stay with us no matter what happens. Oh by the way, this doesn't make me wanna tell my problems to my family though, I just still can't get over this wierd feeling I have.

Alright people, work tomorrow.

Kiss the night goodbye


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