Saturday, August 30, 2008

teachers day !

Happy Teachers Day !

Yeah. So yesterday (It's 12.37am now) was Teachers' Day. The day started out normally. I met Ron, Ron met me, and then we met Dan, Dan met us, and then we went on to meet Hafiz and gang, and Hafiz and gang met us. And then we proceed to school, or I should say, our Ex-school. Met up with Sing Nam at the gate outside, and damn, his hair is the sex man ! Anyway, the first thing we did when we were in the school was...... C'mon guess.


Yeah ! What's going back to Hougang Secondary without eating nasi padang, it's like going to the kitchen to drink water but you never drink. Anyway, lets move on, met up with some old friends, which was indeed a very good sight, and then we went up to see the concert. Ask me and I'll say the concert was more towards to the boring side. And then it was interaction with some teachers and such, too bad my chinese teacher, don't know is teacher liu or whatever shit, isn't there, if not I'll go up to her face and say I got C6 for chinese and I'm glad LOL ! So, relaxed a while in the NCC room, before meeting up with the rest of the class, and then heading down to compass point to meet up with Khong - sama. She's still the same, well I should say almost the whole class looked the same ahaha. Settled for Ajisen Ramen, and then pool with Carlson and gang. And then it's home sweet home !

To sidetrack a bit, this is kinda personal. Bear with me people.
So, my buddy Willie is talking to a girl, on the phone. Ask me and I'll say I'm a bit envious of him. A bit only la, not say a lot, but a bit la. Bet it feels good talking to a chick on the phone uh ? Lol. And I was thinking to myself, will I have one to talk to in future, or maybe soon. A bit funny uh, blog out like that. But well..

Today's a great day, what's better is Mr. Mocker didn't go back Hougang Secondary today, which adds on to the great day. Tomorrow I'm starting a 2 day job at IMM with Carlson. And then I'll be out of job. Anyone please?

Lets say it one more time shall we ; Happy Teachers Day !


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