Sunday, September 28, 2008

whats up with that?

Oh, I haven't blog in a while uh. And I've got so much things to talk about today. Let's start from thursday shall we?

Work as usual, and then the usuals came to stay over for games. Erasmus and Kienan still wanted to go to work the next day, retarded sia lol. But in the end Kienan didn't go, I didn't go, but Erasmus went for half day. Had holy beef noodles for breakfast (By the way it's the thrid consecutive day I'm eating it) and then we went our seperate ways. So, me and Sng decided to cab back, because it was raining and we were dead beat. And we were queuing up for taxi. The queue was quite long uh. Then after a while, this 2 ladies, doesn't seem local to me, but still looked like shit anyway, queued up as well. And then a cab came. And one of them, just went up to the cab and asked if he was going blah and blah, when she was FREAKING LAST IN THE GOD DAMN QUEUE. I was damn pissed. But the cab rejected her, so off she went to her usual place. Then another cab came. She did the fucking same thing, but this time, it got through, and everyone just stared at her, and she didn't give a shit at all, thinking she's right what so ever. Bitch man, FUCKING BITCH ! I can't stand it man ! Everyone's waiting for so long, and she just comes and take a cab without caring about other people. This kind of people should seriously die, die hard. Like, let their brains be ripped out, cut out their body parts, fry it and give to the dogs to eat. Fuck man. So forgetting about those bitches, we finally got a cab, and I had a great sleep till 8pm.

I called up the CC to check if I needed to work on weekends, and thankfully, I don't ! But there's a little twist to it, they actually said I don't need to go anymore as they've finish keying in all those vouchers. But the problem is, my contract is until wednesday, and I don't know if I still need to go to work. I tried calling that Mrs Lim up today, and it seems like she's off. Like, what the hell, I think they've got like 4 days off per week or something. And I got NONE.

Forgetting about it. Went out with Hafiz, Dan, Ann, Veron and Eve yesterday for lan. Played both CS and Dota, then Evelyn went back halfway while we pool-ed for a while. Ann went back halfway then the rest of us just had dinner and slacked around and went back. So nothing much yesterday.

Today, supposedly have soccer today, but too many last minutes. Sometimes I don't get it, can't these people just tell us straight they can't make it, rather than saying they can make it and yet back out last minute. Whatever man ~

So that's it. Don't feel like saying much now.


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