Wednesday, January 28, 2009

0-5 !

West Brom 0 - 5 Manchester United (In order : Berbatov, Tevez, Vidic, Ronaldo, Ronaldo)

Yes as you can see. 5 GOALS PEOPLE!

Of course, not forgetting the man whom I think we all should really praise, 11 consecutive clean sheets for him !

Life's fine. Red packets are awesomemiotvfootballchannelz.
I got back my electronics lab test today, 86/100, not bad if you take into consideration that I don't know circuits shit.
Oh and the schemer in my class, 97/100 for class test, 98/100 for lab test.
Especially those who sleep the most in class and do nothing in school~

'DotA' group reunion at my place this Friday, Jon's this Sat,
It's gonna be great, for sure.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Breathing - Lifehouse

What is your True Fear?
Your Result: Being Alone

While you may act like you don't care on the outside, on the inside your biggest fear is being alone. You can be quite shy and reserved. You feel like a lot of times people don't really see the real you. You're afraid that no one will really truly love you, and that you will be alone for the rest of your life. On the inside you are great person, so just remember that and don't let your shy nature get the best of you! If you don't want to be a lone then you need to make an effort to be with someone. Show the people that you care about that you really love them, and chances are someone will always be there, even if you think they won't.

Losing Someone
Looked down on
Where Your life is Going
What is your True Fear?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Saw this quiz on Gab's gf blog, and thought that maybe I should just try it out for fun,
And it turn out that most, or should I say the whole thing is quite true for me. Lol, good quiz.

Happy new year people.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

seven pounds

It's about 7 names of 7 strangers if you're wondering why it's 7 pounds, I think.
I totally got no clue what was it about in the beginning, I almost wanted to stop watching it and go to sleep but nah, stayed on.
But towards the end, got the idea what was he doing and such, and wow, it's a nice and touching show
2 thumbs up !

My tagboard's getting very dull and boring. Lol

If I had a wish, I'll wish for every little thing to be alright.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Do you?

I'm done with C.Prog practical and E.Tech practical. How did it went?
C.Prog was as easy as hell, and I screwed E.Tech up. Whaaaaat!
I hate circuits equation and solving circuits and all kinds of shit to do with circuit~
& exams are coming, in around 3 to 4 weeks time. And then a HOLY SHIT 2 MONTHS 'MONEY COME COME' HOLIDAY

Nothing more, nothing less to say.

Oh, and I seriously and honestly wonder why you are trying too hard.
Seems like the past few days I've been using 'try too hard'. LOL
Guess some people still don't know what they're doing or whatever.
I thought everyone would naturally mature as they grow older, guess I was wrong
It's time to move on bro, stop trying to fit in, be yourself.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

we believe

I wanna blog so much nowadays, but I don't know what to blog about, somewhat contradicting uh. Lol

First of all, my deepest condolescenes to Hafiz's grandma who just passed away recently.

So I did nothing much yesterday, gymed and relax at home before Willie and Kienan came over in the night for some guitaring, and then suppering.
Oh Man Utd won 1-0 to Bolton by the way, quite a late goal by Berba, but it was a good goal.
And for the Kaka transfer saga, I think Man City seriously sucks. Rich ass team trying to poach some goodass player to their team, which is fighting against RELEGATION and the last major trophy was like, 1976 =.=
Whatever to that.

I'll say life's been fine.

Friday, January 16, 2009

it's not easy.

It's not easy at all.
It's not easy.

Anyway, today was a really really really bad day that only I myself will only know, no one else.
It sucks so bad you wanna kill yourself and not wanna look back.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

have you?

Some try too hard - Deviantart

Hello there.
It's been a week, a good week, I guess so~
Nothing cool going on, except that I have to start studying for my exams very soon,
Which I'm too lazy to touch.
I was at home the whole day except during the evening and I didn't study a single bit. Lol
Yesterday was quality time spent with usuals to celebrate Jonny Onggy 18th.
Had one of the BEST steamboat I had in bugis, or should I say the best one I've had, the biggy man treating us, 11 in total. Kudos to you Jon and happy 18th!
Headed back home after that,

Today, had my CRS presentation, wasn't so bad at all, compared to OC, I was more relaxed and excited, and hey,
I think my part during all the presentations was the most exciting and high part for everyone.
Red Cliff 2 tomorrow.
Soccer soon.

Once again, don't try too hard.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Ok. So I didn't went to school today.
Everything was going so fine, up till when I was already lying in bed, getting ready to sleep.
And then, I asked my dad to dig my ear for me, because he always does it for me once in a while.
But this time, it went a little too deep ; I think he hitted something in each of my ears, and then each ears start to bleed. REAL BAD.
It's like, non stop bleeding, if you do 1 side, blood will flow from the other, vice versa.
And I got the blockage feeling, it's like when water gets in your ear and you need to jump to push it out, but this time it doesn't help.
So I had no choice but to skip school today, which I really wanted to go
Went to Tan Tock Seng and damn it, waited so damn freaking long just to see the ear specialist.
He said that my eardrum's fine, and that when my dad did my ear, it hitted somewhere at the ear canal or something
So anyway, he just told me not to do anything, and my ear was unblocked on both sides then.
And now, my right ear's blocked again. SHIT
And I'm not supposed to do anything. Gosh
This sucks, I'm never gonna ask my dad to do my ear next time already.
There you go.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

old school videos

As the title says, old school videos baby.
These are all the videos taking during my HS life.
Enjoy the retardedness !
You might have to play it again because I think it will hang for 1 or 2 s during the beginning
First up :

Table Magic

See how Jiawen blinks from one spot to another as well behind. LOL

YES! Willie the star man : First attempt

YES! Willie the star man : Second attempt

Into the wall : FAILED

At Carlson's place : Whirlpool

I thought that this would be totally stupid and would be wasting 48seconds of your life. HAHAHA

Thunder roll

That was me by the way. Lol

Just watch


Finally, this one's just for laugh.

Happy Grandma!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

ip man

Ip Man

I just watched this show, and I downloaded it, perfect quality. YEAHH
I'll give full marks for this show, the fighting is simply awesome!
I thought the plot was kinda nice too, about how China was last time, and I didn't know it was a true story until now.
And I didn't know Bruce Lee was a disciple of that martial arts as well. Hahaha
Anyway, I recommended you all to watch it, and the lead actor, I think it's Donnie something,
His acting was two thumbs up.
So, go catch it somewhere.

Anyway, I'm done with 2 tests today.
And I have to say, I worry too much for nothing,
Because both tests was really very disappointing ; It's so easy that when they give 1 hour, we have to stretch the time to finish it,
Normally everyone would finish before the 30minute mark.
I think I can get As for both. Yeahhh~
Deepan and Tharma almost fought during soccer just now. Lol
Apparently there seems to be some miscommunication.

*Tharma accidentally kick Deepan's leg a few times because Deepan's movement was too fast*
Deepan : One more time.
Tharma : What what, what one more time.
Deepan : You look me in my eyes and say it.
Deepan : Fight lah. Punch me. Come
*Kumar steps in and stop them*

They spoke in indian all the way, I got a translator. Lol
But good thing is that, they both cooled down and apologise immediately after that,
And that's what I think what everyone should do if they bump into a situation like this,
Clear the air, having a friend is better than having an enemy.
So yeah.
Kudos people

Thursday, January 1, 2009

welcoming 2009

Credits to Evelyn

Was kinda good, in a sense.
The day started off with a E.Tech test, which I seriously almost screw the whole shit up.
Out of 4 questions, I got all careless for the first 3. What the f!
But thanks to Deepan, who volunteerly helped me, I managed to find out my careless mistakes,
But still, I didn't put SI unit for most of the answers because it's either I don't know or whatever
Anyway, I just hope it'll be a nice A.

And it all ended with me having lunch, and then heading home.
Supposed to go to Kienan's place, but was too lazy and busy lol.
By the way, Happy sweet 17th yo.

Anyway, took a little nap before meeting up with them and then heading over to Bugis to eat some mala hotpot,
Which literally ownz.
Maybe it sucked a little, but anyway I shitted it all out immediately after we left. Lol!

Then the better part came, or maybe not that better.
Met up with Dan, Lena, Evelyn, Hafiz, Nigel, Gab and his gf at City hall and walked all the way to Esplanade.
You know what's wrong? They blocked the whole road. Wtf!
So it means we can't cross at all, if we want to cross, we would have to walk all the way in front which is super far,
And then cross over and walk all the way back.
And I tell you that was one of the worst shit I've been through
Everyone was squeezing like there's no tomorrow, and I just don't get it, what the hell is causing the whole jam!?
And after squeezing for around 30mins, we finally got there, which was waaaay much better.
Oh and this, while walking halfway, this gangster suddenly shouted some vulgarities at some bangla/indian,
Because I guess those motherfuckers just like to push their way through the crowd, which makes you wanna slash their throat instantly.
So anyway, after he shouted, his friend behind stared at that bangla/indian and smile, and then stick out his tongue,
Which I thought was fucking hilarious. LOL

Made our way to somewhere I don't know where or forget, and sat down for a while before counting down.
At that point I think everyone of us was regretting going there because it's so freaking tiring ; it's much better just coming my place and countdown through the TV or something.
So anyway, they counted down, welcomed 2009, and the fireworks was simply spectacular.
It was damn beautiful, and the final one was effing loud, which was nice and sweet.
So I guess those fireworks ease us down a little. Lol
And after that we wanted to take pictures, so Nigel set the tripod up and put the camera there, and on-ed self timer.
And some motherfucking dumbasses, I don't know if they're blind or what, even though the fucking self timer light is blinking, they just fucking tried to cut through.
Like what the hell, can't they fucking walk to the back or something? It's just a few effing seconds.
And I think most of them was some gayass banglas/indians.
I got so fucked up that I just shouted 'OI'
And then the second time, the same SHIT happened again. But this time they just take their time to walk past as if there's no camera there. Wtf!
My impressions of those dickfaces changed after that incident

After that we wanted to cross over, and apparently, Nigel, Lena and Evelyn managed to got over, the rest of us was stopped before we could cross for the cars to go.
It took a while, and after that, the officers asked us to go to the other side to cross, which is damn bloody far, and all those male adults were pissed, they kept arguing,
Like 'lousy security', 'why you all like that', 'what is this'
And one man just called the officer 'Eh', which got the officer quite pissed,
Because the officer was like 'Sir I have a name, please address me by my name. My name is _____. You understand? I have a name, I address you nicely as Sir, so you better address me nicely by my name. Understand?'
That was CLASSIC.
In the end our Singapore style forced them to open the way again for us to cross. Lol
So we walked and walked and made our way to the MRT, and then some of us parted there, while me, Dan, Hafiz, Gab and his gf went to eat Mac,
Then we headed back home.
Good day.
Lastly, a blessed year ahead to you.