Thursday, January 15, 2009

have you?

Some try too hard - Deviantart

Hello there.
It's been a week, a good week, I guess so~
Nothing cool going on, except that I have to start studying for my exams very soon,
Which I'm too lazy to touch.
I was at home the whole day except during the evening and I didn't study a single bit. Lol
Yesterday was quality time spent with usuals to celebrate Jonny Onggy 18th.
Had one of the BEST steamboat I had in bugis, or should I say the best one I've had, the biggy man treating us, 11 in total. Kudos to you Jon and happy 18th!
Headed back home after that,

Today, had my CRS presentation, wasn't so bad at all, compared to OC, I was more relaxed and excited, and hey,
I think my part during all the presentations was the most exciting and high part for everyone.
Red Cliff 2 tomorrow.
Soccer soon.

Once again, don't try too hard.


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