Tuesday, September 30, 2008

you like being outcasted?

Do you? I fucking don't.

Why am I blogging this out? Because sometimes I really get so pissed over some people just because they left me out. You guys might think, 'leave you out only what, what's the big deal', but being left out means totally different from me. I'm one who thinks too much, so it's like, you leave me out, I go thinking oh they don't treat me as a friend anymore, I'm just some guy whom they backstab about whatever fuckshit.

I got left out of a few games of Dota. You think it's lame right? Sorry but I don't care, read if you want, don't want, then bye.

I just let it go everytime, listening to their stupid and lousy excuses. And today, the same thing happen again. Apparently, they were playing, and obviously, I was god damned left out. And I asked one of them if they were gaming. I knew he was gaming, so he didn't reply, but even after he gamed, he just went off. Yeah, OFFLINE. I mean, can't you just fucking say 'yes and we finished already' or something like that? Rather than just going off without a word and such? Man. The hell's wrong with him.

I asked another, why, why didn't you call me along? Why didn't you call me to game? And I swear, he gave me the LAMEST excuses I can never ever think off. His excuses were, 'Oh I scared lag', and 'I wanna train this hero'. Wah, so you're telling me that's the reason why you left me out lah? If you scared lag, then so what? It means you have to choose correct people to play with and such? If you scared lag, why the heck we even played all together last time? Gosh. You wanna train that hero, so that means you can ONLY train that hero when I'm not around? Damn. What a fucking lame excuse. He also claims he didn't ask because my status was busy (By the way, it's the third excuse now), but as least ask or something? What the hell. Bet that bastard must think 'never call you only what react so big like cheebye'.

Don't even think those bastards ever felt being left out before. Well, maybe they just don't feel how much it sucks yet or what, I don't know. But I'll tell you now, I freaking hate being left out, it makes me feel as though, I'm not needed anymore or what. I'm not afraid to say this, because I'm saying to close friends here.

There was this time during sec 3 to 4, and I got left out, on a few occasions. Maybe thats why I feel so fucked up.

Damn, even after blogging it out, I still feel so fucked up. Tell you people, you'll never know how I feel, no matter whether you're my good friend, normal friend or even a hi bye friend. Only you yourself, who have felt it yourself many many times, will know how I feel.

Monday, September 29, 2008

sometimes there's only one thing left to say.

I just watched this show just now, and it's really very touching. It's about a married couple, and the husband died because of a illness, but left many nice messages for his widowed wife. If you haven't watch it, you have to watch it ! Trust me on this :)

Like the tagline, sometimes there's only one thing left to say.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

whats up with that?

Oh, I haven't blog in a while uh. And I've got so much things to talk about today. Let's start from thursday shall we?

Work as usual, and then the usuals came to stay over for games. Erasmus and Kienan still wanted to go to work the next day, retarded sia lol. But in the end Kienan didn't go, I didn't go, but Erasmus went for half day. Had holy beef noodles for breakfast (By the way it's the thrid consecutive day I'm eating it) and then we went our seperate ways. So, me and Sng decided to cab back, because it was raining and we were dead beat. And we were queuing up for taxi. The queue was quite long uh. Then after a while, this 2 ladies, doesn't seem local to me, but still looked like shit anyway, queued up as well. And then a cab came. And one of them, just went up to the cab and asked if he was going blah and blah, when she was FREAKING LAST IN THE GOD DAMN QUEUE. I was damn pissed. But the cab rejected her, so off she went to her usual place. Then another cab came. She did the fucking same thing, but this time, it got through, and everyone just stared at her, and she didn't give a shit at all, thinking she's right what so ever. Bitch man, FUCKING BITCH ! I can't stand it man ! Everyone's waiting for so long, and she just comes and take a cab without caring about other people. This kind of people should seriously die, die hard. Like, let their brains be ripped out, cut out their body parts, fry it and give to the dogs to eat. Fuck man. So forgetting about those bitches, we finally got a cab, and I had a great sleep till 8pm.

I called up the CC to check if I needed to work on weekends, and thankfully, I don't ! But there's a little twist to it, they actually said I don't need to go anymore as they've finish keying in all those vouchers. But the problem is, my contract is until wednesday, and I don't know if I still need to go to work. I tried calling that Mrs Lim up today, and it seems like she's off. Like, what the hell, I think they've got like 4 days off per week or something. And I got NONE.

Forgetting about it. Went out with Hafiz, Dan, Ann, Veron and Eve yesterday for lan. Played both CS and Dota, then Evelyn went back halfway while we pool-ed for a while. Ann went back halfway then the rest of us just had dinner and slacked around and went back. So nothing much yesterday.

Today, supposedly have soccer today, but too many last minutes. Sometimes I don't get it, can't these people just tell us straight they can't make it, rather than saying they can make it and yet back out last minute. Whatever man ~

So that's it. Don't feel like saying much now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

slack -> shit

I was transferred to Paya Lebar Kovan CC today, from Aljunied CC. Just one thing, yeah one simple thing, it sucks ! Bloody hell, making me do all those stupid data entries. What's so pissing off is that some people fucking can't write nicely, words are scribbled everywhere, a 6 looks like a 0, a 7 looks like a 1, and some even have a 6 digit NRIC. What the heck is this man. The bloody program is also so damn laggy, and everytime after I key in some particulars already, a fucking error just comes up, and I have to close the damn program and type the password again, sometimes even restarting. Intially, I have to look for a guy to type the password, because it's case-sensitive or whatever, but I got pissed and just asked him for the bloody password. Like, what's so case-sensitive about o22101960. See I can even remember it.

On a brighter note, it's in the morning, and I'll have lunch breaks. So, what's so good about lunch breaks? C'mon, guess !



Yeah, you guessed it, I had it for lunch today, and I might eat it again tomorrow, might only la.

On a darker note again, it's morning shift. That means I have to wake up early like 8.15am. Like today, when I woke up, the weather is so damn peaceful to just lie down and sleep. But oh well, gotta report for a $4+/hr stupid job. Ace Recruiters is a money cheater, don't go to that agency if you're reading this. Ooops.

Tomorrow's gonna be the same shit again. Only that I hope I can finish it fast, so that by chance if friday I'm going there, I'll just relax. Oh, tomorrow night's gonna be a good one, again. It'll be better if it's like last time, no new stuff.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Crisitiano Ronaldo

I miss playing soccer every Friday/Sunday ! It's been like 1 month or more since we've discuss and play already. I don't care, when the school term starts again, There'll be soccer every Friday. Usuals who are reading this, better keep every Friday free !

So anyway, I managed to get half day off today. Actually, The bloody cc don't allow me to even take off, so I had no choice but to lie, well what can I do ? My mom told me what to say anyway, so that means I got her support lol. The manager called halfway, and I swear, I wanted to just shout Cheese Balls over the phone to her. The way she talks, seriously, she needs some swearing in her face. Wonder why she's a 'Mrs' and not a 'Ms' anyway. Oh well who cares, I got the half day I wanted, so yeah.

Met up with Fizzy Pop before heading down to Orchard to meet the rest. Had Seoul Garden, a very good meal. Well there's really nothing much to talk about here, only pictures can say everything. Cabbed back to prata house with Jon, while dropping Ron halfway. Met with Xunfu and Nigel there for Chelsea vs Man Utd ! Bloody referee, giving 7 yellow cards to Man Utd players, and only 1 to Chelsea players. Biased piece of shit bag. Ended in a 1-1 draw, sucks man ! Went to Jon's house to lepat a while before heading back home.

So, I was bathing just now. And you know, bathing makes you think about some things. Today, while I was bathing, I thought about this, friends. Knowing that there's so much of my buddies out there, it's a wonderful feeling. Of course, I'm not like some loser who tries so hard to make himself feel better by telling himself that his bunch of friends is enough. I think he's more of a joke himself ~

Back to what I'm saying, friends. I've got buddies out there, those whom I can just tell them my problems and such, I don't have to name them, you people know who you are right? ;) Still remember one time when one of my buddy asked me, 'What if one day I just don't treat you as a friend anymore?' My answer was I know it won't happen, so no point answering. There's a possibility la, maybe because of a girl or something, but nah, that'd be stupid ahaha.

Linking this topic up, we tell our problems to our friends. But, do we tell them to our family? Ask yourself people, I can bet most of you don't, because I don't myself either. I guess it's the same reason for all of us, we'll feel wierd telling our problems to our family, although we know they're only the ones who will stay with us no matter what happens. Oh by the way, this doesn't make me wanna tell my problems to my family though, I just still can't get over this wierd feeling I have.

Alright people, work tomorrow.

Kiss the night goodbye

Thursday, September 18, 2008

how's that?

I think my favourite Kovan Mee Pok stall closed already ! Oh my zoid ! I ended up eating at the mee pok stall beside it, and it still can't beat the old one. Damn..

Anyway, So far, I'm ranked like 7th in class for GPA. And I'm the only one ranged at 3.65. The top 6 got like, 3.8 - 3.95, like what the shit man ! Anyway, I just hate it when some people tries to be humble when they know their results are good. Imagine this :

Someone got 3.75 for her GPA. You and I and her knows it's a good result, but yet her MSN personal message goes - 'GPA 3.75, good/bad?' Okay wow that's cool. So much for trying to be humble.

Willie got a fucking 3.83 for his GPA. FUCKING 3.83! Whenever I read his blog about exams and tests, it seems so sucky, that he will flunk everything or whatever. Then come back 3.83. I don't know he hack or what shit sia. Don't worry man, I'm just saying this for fun. No grudges or hard feelings lol. Only that I wanna get 3.85 next semester !

So anyway, I started work at Aljunied CC today. It wasn't really much what I expected, because where I was placed, there wasn't a computer ! And I thought there won't be many people applying, but in the end, my hands were damn full, like walking back and forth to photocopy their ICs, filling forms for them whatsoever. I was so thankful for break, and then after break, back to the same old shit again. But oh well, it's actually pretty fine for me.

Solve this, Never Buy Cheese Balls, I thought of this while walking home from work just now. Quite stupid, yeah I know, but here's a hint, it's a 'phrase' to cut down on my vulgarities. Now how's that for a change ?

To end it off, how about this? Three cheers for you if you're able to take it baby.

Click here

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

its out !

Singapore Polytechnic 2008/2009 S1 Examination Results

Student ID: 0812254

Module Code - Credit Unit - Grade
MM1208 - 4 - A
MM1108 - 4 - A
MM1028 - 4 - A
LC0506 - 2 - B
EC1403 - 4 - B
SP0502 - 2 - B+




Tuesday, September 16, 2008

sg's the best

So, I'm back from my Thailand trip! I haven't got all the pictures yet, but I guess words can still describe it, I don't have much pictures ahaha~

Day 1
Nigel's dad fetched us to the airport, and we got free breakfast too ahaha. So we checked in at the airport, and then slack at the airport, and finally on to the plane ! Touched down at Bangkok at don't know what time, then Nigel's uncle fetched us to the hotel. And then off to dinner, once again, free dinner. Had dinner at some seafood restaurant, and damn, their tom yum soup is HEAVENLY. Totally owns the maggi mee ones. And, we took like 1 hour to go there because of the damn traffic jam, and another 1 hour to go back to the hotel. Like what the heck is causing the damn traffic jam? Then it's back to the hotel and relaxing and preparing for the next day.

Day 2
We walked around Pratunum, and gosh there was seriously a lot of shit to buy. Then we went to Platinum, and there's where we started our shopping. The clothes are so damn bloody cheap, you can get one at less than $10, and the design isn't bad at all. So we spent quite a lot already just on the first day. Then we went to MBK. And again, we found lots of cheap deals, like fake gap jackets. And I found BERBATOV jersey ! I was surprised at how fast they made all those jerseys, I even saw ROBINHO's one. Had lunch at some jap place, and then I really forgot what we did already. Actually I'm very lazy to blog about every single details. Oh we walked around Siam Paragon and Central World too, and we each got ourselves one nice 'tattoo' which will be posted up as pictures later on.

Day 3
We went to Chatuchak, and it's a damn bloody big place, like we got lost lol. Bought a few things there, had lunch there. At night ! We went to Yao wa rat, also known as Thai's version of Chinatown. Once again, cheap and good food like kway chap, shark fin and bird nest. Kway chap is around $3, bird nest also around $3, and shark fin's $12 for one big big bowl. And it taste super awesome ! Then we went to Patpong. If you guys are wondering what it is, basically it's Thai's verison of Geylang, just that it's much much more aggressive. Well, it sure is an eye-opener. You can see people holding cards that read 'DVD,SEX,VCD' and how people will try so hard to get you inside the bar. And the best is how someone could decrease the price of a fake havaianas from 850baht to 100baht INSTANTLY.

Day 4
We went back to Chatuchak again because we couldn't finish it the other day. And this time, we got lost real bad. We kept walking in circles and circles. In the end, when we wanted to find a bag shop, we couldn't find it, until we were so tired that we just gave up and went back lol. Oh and not forgetting, we went full body massage the first day, and foot massage for the next 2 days. I'd say it's awesome, definitely after a long walk at Chatuchak. Our dinner ended up being Macs because it was raining.

Day 5
3 words is enough, Back to singapore !

There's a problem now, I can't post pictures up zzz. Whatever, maybe next time people. Anyway, its great to be back in singapore once again. Miss my bed, my lappy, my family my friends and everything !

Nigel's - Long Ge

Xun fu's

Mine, not forgetting BERBATOV

LOL to this !

Thailand's kway chap

Me and the gay pornstar

Me and Long ge

Gay retard

Long ge

Bloody sweet ride.

Picture with the baby please?

No more pictures people!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

off to thailand

I'm going off.
If you ask me, I think going there last week would be better than this week, because I'm a wee bit reluctant to go there now.
Anyway, stay tune for Monday.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I feel like blogging now ~

Anyway, I'm thinking of quitting this StarHub job that I got now. It's so not worth it, $10/sale, after 18 sales and then you get paid hourly, thats cheap labour man ! Now I heard from my mom that my aunt has an airport job selling bags or whatever, $8.50/hr. Now that's the way. Haven't got the details whatsoever yet. But now, I'm confused. Ace Recruiters called me today and told me that there's a CC job next week. And I don't know how to reject them. Maybe if I got the $8.50 one then I'll give the CC one up.

So, guess what I've been doing the past few days.
Slack at home loh. I seriously wanna kick some damn ball now ; Supposed to play soccer yesterday but everyone couldn't make it, so oh well.

I'm going Thailand on thursday. Like fucking finally. Thanks to sumak or whatever that thai prime minister name for NOT resigning. Lucky it's safe there, oh boy, 1 good thing coming up !

Hafiz intro-ed me to a game, that's called Dekaron. Well I think it's pretty much a fun game to kill your time, that is if you are as free as me.

What a boring post. Anyhoots, it's a brief summary. There's more stuff to talk about, but I guess I'll just keep it to myself, between me and Bjorn.

See you when I see you .

Saturday, September 6, 2008



This sucks.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

god's work?

No more overseas trip.
A bit too much of a coincidence ah.
Sorry all you christians out there, I just can't help but believe it's God's doing.

Monday, September 1, 2008

cc express

Money money come to me.

So, I'm done with my 2 days brochure giving job at IMM. It's super duper slack, to the extent that you don't believe that you are working at all. Wanna know why?

So, I met up with Carlson at AMK around 11am, and then we trained there. We were a bit late, around 12.05pm, and we're supposed to give out a 'CC Express' brochures to patrons. We obediently gave out the first few sets, and then when we go back to get 1 more set, the uncle said if we wanna break we can just go break, he's very flexible. And yeah, we break like, every interval. Everytime we take a new set of brochures, we slack, and eat. So for both days, each day we wasted about $15 bucks each just on eating. But I kinda feel sinful man. We threw some brochures away to the bins LOL. Well, not just some, MANY MORE. I think we threw about close to 1000 for both days lol. So yeah, it's pure easy money. If I had to work like that for a few more days or even weeks, I think I won't want it. I'll just end up getting fatter and more fatter ~

Now I'm out of job. I'm going overseas this thurday and will only be back on monday. So I guess I can only continue work after I'm back. I haven't packed my stuff yet, better pack it soon, because there's a poly class outing tomorrow night, night cycling at East Coast or something.

Peace out martians.