Thursday, June 4, 2009

All comes down to this

How time flies huh.
It's June now, half a year has passed, another half a year to a new year, wow,
Sometimes you just have to wonder why time flies when you think time is very slow at school.
On a side note, I finished 2 tests this week already, 3 more to go after the holidays,
So 1.5weeks for me to relax!

Oh did I talk about this bloody Caucasian bastard whom I met during my Welfare camp?
Here's what happen. We were having this treasure hunt around sentosa, and each of us have a task,
And my task was to take a picture of a shirt with the Number '3' printed on it.
And of all the buggers there, it had to be this bloody Caucasian. So, being the only one who's wearing a number '3' shirt, I approached him.

'Hi sir, sorry to disrupt you, but can I take a picture of your shirt? Because I'm playing this treasure hunt game now and my task is to take a picture of a shirt with the number '3' printed on it.'

So that tall ugly son of a gun replied : 'Heh, get the hell out of here.'

Since swearing at his face at the moment isn't really the best thing to do, I just walked off.
But I was swearing at him after that.
I mean, it's just taking a picture of your shirt, why the hell does he have to be such a whore.
He thinks he's someone whom everyone have to bow down to him, to listen to him. Well fuck you.
Go ask your mom how's her life and then kill her.

Anyway, some people also thinks that he's king or she's queen,
Which I think is an act of immaturity.
You expect people to listen to you and do what you say, and then at the same time you act like a bloody bastard/bitch.
What the hell.
You're obviously in the wrong, but you push your way into blaming other people, so that it turns out you become 'right'.
Ain't finger pointing to anyone here, just a sudden thought that came to my mind.


Blogger Ann said...

LOL wtf si angmoh.

June 4, 2009 at 8:40 PM  

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