Wednesday, October 15, 2008

moving on

On the move

Hello people.
I'll try to make this a wee bit longer, so maybe it'll get a wee bit more interesting, I hope.

So anyway, forgetting about my previous few blog posts, I'm alright already.
Don't bother asking me whatever because I won't tell you nor is there any specific reason
So yeah, I'm feeling much much better now, although still not yet 'fully recovered'.

School's still cool.
New stuffs are pretty much easy to understand for now. Figure this out !

//Name : Bjorn Ng
void menu ()
printf ("Hello people.\n") ;
printf ("This is called C. Prog\n") ;
printf ("Where you type a whole load of shit\n") ;
printf ("And only a few words pop out.\n") ;

By the way I typed the whole shit out. That's just the basics, imagine later on. LOL

I've been thinking about something,
Everyone loves to daydream, including me.
Most of them doesn't really come true, well most. It's just to make us feel satisfied.
I thought of really stupid things that I 'predicted' and hoped would happen, and how nice it would be
But of course cannot la, so I ended up like wtf-ing myself for thinking of such shit,
And end up disappointing myself even more. Oh well

Oh, another topic to talk about : A day by day maturity.
Do you feel that after every single day that passed, you feel more matured?
Like for example, you look back at yesterday and you thank god that it's over, because what you did was stupid.
Most simple would be looking back a few years back, then thanking god that 'holy shit I can't believe I even did that'
Anyway, I met up with Dylan, Gifford and Xunfu a few days back, and Dylan said something that is seriously true.
'There're still people at my age (he's 20+) who are still acting like kids"
Tell me you agree with that, hell yeah.

I was blog hopping, until I came upon this blog, this sec 3 going sec 4 guy, and got nothing to do, I looked at his archives, and I noticed this post, if BY chance this guy bumps into this blog, then sorry no offence. Here's a part that caught my attention :

"My parents love to judge people by the cover. They see XXXXX & XXXXXX's gold hair & my mum starts to kp me. "Why mix ard with those Ah Sengs !?! "

Lol, i bo wei gong manzxzxzxzxxzx -.-
So what if my friends dye their hair, IT'S THE BLOODY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS YOU DUMBFUCK !
They are not bad company, they are great brothers. I have alot of respect of them, they stick through thick & thin with me.

Lol, here's what I hvae to say, I don't care if you agree or whatever.
When he said 'they stick through thick and thin with me', man, I think it's too soon to say that.
If by chance they leave him, thats good game
And the only ones who'll be there for him will only be his family.
In a world where every man for himself~

I've got great buddies out there, but nah, saying that they will stick through thick and thin with me,
It's too soon. Still love you buddies. LOL.
Tell you guys, the only people that will SERIOUSLY stick with you through thick and thin is your family.
Oh and your wife after you get married lol
End of Bjorn's Life Lesson.

Time check : 12.45am
School tomorrow : 8am


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