Saturday, August 30, 2008

teachers day !

Happy Teachers Day !

Yeah. So yesterday (It's 12.37am now) was Teachers' Day. The day started out normally. I met Ron, Ron met me, and then we met Dan, Dan met us, and then we went on to meet Hafiz and gang, and Hafiz and gang met us. And then we proceed to school, or I should say, our Ex-school. Met up with Sing Nam at the gate outside, and damn, his hair is the sex man ! Anyway, the first thing we did when we were in the school was...... C'mon guess.


Yeah ! What's going back to Hougang Secondary without eating nasi padang, it's like going to the kitchen to drink water but you never drink. Anyway, lets move on, met up with some old friends, which was indeed a very good sight, and then we went up to see the concert. Ask me and I'll say the concert was more towards to the boring side. And then it was interaction with some teachers and such, too bad my chinese teacher, don't know is teacher liu or whatever shit, isn't there, if not I'll go up to her face and say I got C6 for chinese and I'm glad LOL ! So, relaxed a while in the NCC room, before meeting up with the rest of the class, and then heading down to compass point to meet up with Khong - sama. She's still the same, well I should say almost the whole class looked the same ahaha. Settled for Ajisen Ramen, and then pool with Carlson and gang. And then it's home sweet home !

To sidetrack a bit, this is kinda personal. Bear with me people.
So, my buddy Willie is talking to a girl, on the phone. Ask me and I'll say I'm a bit envious of him. A bit only la, not say a lot, but a bit la. Bet it feels good talking to a chick on the phone uh ? Lol. And I was thinking to myself, will I have one to talk to in future, or maybe soon. A bit funny uh, blog out like that. But well..

Today's a great day, what's better is Mr. Mocker didn't go back Hougang Secondary today, which adds on to the great day. Tomorrow I'm starting a 2 day job at IMM with Carlson. And then I'll be out of job. Anyone please?

Lets say it one more time shall we ; Happy Teachers Day !

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Today's a fine day.

I don't have a damn job now, I called the agency and they told me those community centres don't want me because I'm going on a holiday from 4th to 8th september. What a hassle man. So I ended up sleeping away my day at home. I ate kovan beef noodles today ! Asked my maid to buy back for me, and this is the first time I don't like it, there's no feeling towards it, maybe I should go there to eat more often instead. Anyway, went to play soccer with Zul and some other people today. So nothing much.

About my title ! I pierced my left ear during end of sec 3. I thought it was cool, you know, youngsters. And it's during those time, in between sec 2 and sec 4, that we kids love all those 'I got gangsters backup' thing. Now I look back at it, I find it so stupid, those kids are just telling everyone they got no balls and they need backup lol. So anyway, I was jumping around friendster, looking at my sec school's sec 3 students currently, all those gangsters, got chup there all the rubbish, and all of them pierced their tougue O_O Wow, that's 'cool'. Is that the trend now? Piercing the tougue. I can't imagine how they eat, later bite the metal, they suffer ahahaha. So, like I said, most of the sec 3 students in my sec school have pierced their tougues and such, there's one indian guy worst still, he got 4 lips piercing, one nose piercing, I don't know if he got a tougue one. I wonder how their parents teach them, maybe, 'Hey son/daughter, got time go pierce your lips or tougue hor, now trend' or something like that. Imagine if someone just pull their piercings, bet they'll cry like no tomorrow.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Come to think of it, after I changed my blog link with just an additional dash, I think only just 3 person know it now, or maybe 4, I forgot ahahah. So, if I ain't wrong, the 3 are :

Edited : It's 5 person now, Dan and Evelyn demanded LOL~

Yeah, so since it's just 5 of them, and they are trustable, I guess I can blog out every single details about the days.

So, I was supposed to start work last friday. I was supposed to call one guy called Edwin when I reached there, but there was no answer at all, so I ended up waiting for like 2 hours. Dan told me he forgot to bring his phone and that he was on his way back to collect it. When Dan told me he collected it already, I called him but there still wasn't any answer. I got seriously pissed and I went home. What a wasted trip ! Anyway, he called later on in the afternoon and asked me to go the next day, so yeah.

I reached there around 8.15, and I waited for him until like 9.30 or something. So, I was partnered with this girl, from SP too, just that she's year 2. At first I thought she was alright la, like, average lah. Then slowly slowly, I found her quite attractive. A bit la. Like, I don't know, she just looks attractive. But oh well, she's year 2, and I feel a bit inferior lol. So anyway, I earned around 100 bucks for that day, and I failed to get her number. Yes, call me a bummer or something.

So, Carlson, Erasmus and Kienan came over to stay for the night, to play dota and chill out. Think you guys might find it lame and stupid, but hey, we're just having fun right ? Had fun playing, and went to kovan to have our breakfast in the morning, and then went home and had one hell of a sleep.

Anyway, thats about the interesting part, shalln't talk about the boring part. Job agency just called me in the afternoon, the best thing is that I might have a job already, whereas the sad thing was that I was in the middle of a wonderful dream.. Aww. So anyway like I said, I think I'm starting work tomorrow at a community centre, what Teck Ghee or something, but no direct bus. There was another community centre at Ang Mo Kio also, I got a direct bus there, but those bastards there prefer a girl, stupid gender preferences.

I went to have supper with Xunfu and Nigel yesterday, and I was telling Xunfu about Amanda at the bus stop. I think you guys reading this know whose she, I told ya already I guess. I found Amanda so stunning last time, but I seriously got turn off when I see her smile man. Smile ain't everything, but it still turns me off. Guess it's true uh, guys look at looks then personality, girls look at personality and then looks. Cool ahahha.

I watched finish Heroes already. I want season 3 !

Thursday, August 21, 2008

mood of the day

Yes, I'm feeling sad now.

Electronics test was today, I pretty much thought I screwed it up, because I seriously don't know how to do most of it. My classmates were all talking like it's very easy for them, which made me more sad. Well, I know it's my fault, I want to blame myself, but no. Come to think of it, what's the point of blaming myself, I make myself even more sad, and besides it's all over already, no point. But I'm still feeling very sad. I don't know why, but this is partly why ahahaha.

Now, my hair ! Skip it if you think this is a stupid topic, afterall it's my blog, so I'll write what I want. Everyone says my hair is curly and such, I know it myself. Sometimes they keep talking about my hair unless I get pissed, but don't really give a damn about those people. But today's worst.. can you believe it or not, I plucked out 5 strands of hair at one go. Get that, all at ONE go. That means my hair is totally screwed already, curly, damaged and such. And now I'm considering shaving it all, at least I won't have to worry about irritating long hair when sleeping now or something !

You know, I've been scolding vulgarities like nobody's business.. and now I think all these is pointing back at me already. My class mates, 2 of them were christians, and I can feel that they're really very disappointed in me. One of them continously asked me not to scold vulgarites already, but I treated his words like rubbish, so I ignored it. Now it seems that the gun's pointing back at me. One of my friend said it was a disgrace to travel with me, and that really got me thinking real hard.

So, from now on, it's time to cut down ! Yes, no more vulgarities. Oh and about that christian guy who continously asked me not to scold vulgarities, man he got me thinking about christians again.. He's one awesome guy, much better than those in _____.

Peace out people, I'm working at the Singtel Roadshow tomorrow and saturday for the iPhone promotion, and from what I know, I'm simply pressing some queue number; let's just hope nothing goes wrong lol. To bed I shall go !

Saturday, August 16, 2008

good day gone bad

I seriously thought my day was good as compared to yesterday. I don't know why I felt yesterday suck-ed, but today. FUCK

Everything was going so well.. with a fresh mrt trip to school, followed by a test which I felt I did, well I should say not bad, except for 2 small careless mistakes. Then had lunch with my classmates, watched the table tennis match, and a nice trip back home, with a chick to look at thorough my ride to outram park. And then it went on to the evening, had my peaceful dinner, and then went to my cousin's house to visit my grandma. And now's where it all screwed up.

So, there was a small mini weenie conversation in msn with some people, and I got irritated by one of them, because he keeps insulting me, I know he meant it all as jokes, but it's like, everytime, and he doesn't give a damn about like how I'll feel about it, just say as if I don't give a shit or whatever. & more of it gets me more irritated with his fucked up shit. Sorry man, I had to scream out everything, somewhere, and I think blogger's good.

And then it went on as per normal again. Now it's a different thing. I was supposed to go to the travel agency to pay the travel fares to go thailand, and apparently, we were supposed to pay today, but because my dad couldn't make it because he's paying with his credit card, we had to change another date. And I remembered that I suggested saturday instead, and both of them agreed, or did I remember wrongly, I don't know. So one party couldn't confirm if his mom could make it tomorrow, causing some crashes. I ended up calling him, and asked if he could make it tomorrow, and one fucking phrase totally changed my mood, he said, 'Why you like to do things yourself one' and god fucking damn it I was totally pissed off. Fucking felt like throwing my phone on the floor or something. Anyway, to add on, the other party who was going to thailand as well, I talked to him and asked if he remembered that I said we're paying on saturday, and then he screwed me by saying 'You always say things not confirm one'. You know what this makes me feel, I just wanna cancel this whole fucking trip and thats it.

Seriously, good day gone bad.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

time to shoot

A picture to describe how I'm feeling now :

Yeah. Ask me why & I bet you'll think it's totally ridiculous, that I'm being too sensitive or whatever. Anyshit, thats me, so I can't do anything about it either, so vuala!

I'm done with 2 tests yesterday ! Oh wow, wasn't as hard as I expected, in fact, for the electronics lab, I think I did quite well lol. Mechanics was a boom, there were 4 questions, first 3 questions were 10 marks each, and the last one was 20 marks. And guess what, the teacher gave us the answer key for the first 3 question, now tell me thats cool. The last question, I guess I did it pretty well too? Well, it's over ! Now just left with autocad and electronics theory.

So, now, let me continue my point above. Sometimes I don't know what the fuck I'm thinking. I keep thinking too much. Guess it's contradicting when I said I can't do anything about it, maybe just rant it out.

I'd get over-sensitive over one sentence, even when I don't know it's me. Somehow or somewhat, my mind keeps telling me that it's referring to me, and I seriously feel very pissed off for no reason. Well, on a brighter note, it somehow gives me a motivation to work harder, to prove that the sentence is void. You think it's stupid right, I find it stupid too. Anyway, it's a comment from a cockmeat dickface so maybe that makes me not want to be on the same level as him. So yeah, I wanna shoot someone !

Saturday, August 9, 2008

happy national day !

Yeah people, it's national day.

So boring, I've been spending my whole day doing nothing, when I'm supposed to be studying for the tests next week, but oh well, I'm a student afterall, and students love to procrastinate don't we haha.

So my week's been pretty, glad I should say. Monday was no school as usual, and headed to vivo with Dan to walk a while, then went home and relax. Tuesday's normal school, with a 3hour break in between. Went to play lan with Dennis, and played dota with some other punks. Those punks are ridiculous, when they all random-ed a lousy hero, they all exited the whole game and made another one. What fuckers, if you wanna random, make do with the heroes you get, if not whats the damn point of random right. But anyway, they shuffled players and me and dennis ended up not being in the same team.

Wednesday was OC presentation ! Kujala called me on tuesday to ask me if I wanted to postpone to next week, but nah, I rejected her, because it'll just be wasting time. So got on with it, had some damn technical difficulties with the damn guitar, but all went well. And something totally pissed me off, which seriously spoilt my whole damn fucking day. Went to gym with Nigel , Xunfu and Gifford after that, and headed over to Botak Jones for dinner. Their food is expensive, but awesome !

So, I spent thursday rotting at home, no school. And friday, which was yesterday, was the celebration of my dad and grandma's birthday, actually my grandma's birthday is on 25th december, but my dad said his birthday = my grandma's birthday lol. Called Carlson, Kienan, Erasmus and Willie to chill out. The satay was simply fabulous man.

And now today, once again, it's national day ! So, enjoy your rainy national day people.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Projects ! I'm pratically done with the projects, just left with one single individual OC presentation, which is this wednesday. Needa bring amplifier and electric guitar to school man, like it's so damn heavy. Oh well, no choice, just have to get over this and done with ! Anyway, I'm aiming for a B this time round, just hope that I can pull it off right, and not panic and what so ever, which I doubt I'm able to.

Anyway, realised I haven't blog this past few days uh, reason being, yeah you got that right, computer games lol. Mainly dotA and football manager 2008. Like I said, I can't find any motivation to study. Speaking of study, I've got 2 tests last friday, one which was mechanics lab, that was pretty fine, except for one damn fucking careless mistake I made =.= The other one was AutoCAD quiz, well, I got 75/100, but actually I was hoping for an A. Oh well, thats it then.

Exams are ending on 21 August ! Seen my timetable, and I only saw one exam, which is on that date. 6pm to 8.10pm man, so late, like why can't they make it in the afternoon or morning right. And it's Electronics theory, now that's damn screwed, because I don't know a single shit about Electronics after flip flops, and it's so boring to study it.

Soccer with the usuals last friday with indians, and I bet all of them was in a soccer team. Played so well, there's even an indian girl inside. I was preparing to go home already, when I made a last minute decision to jus go in a play a while. In the end , I got a damn blister. I just broked it yesterday, and now it's hurting like tomorrow ~

Okay people, what day is it today? Yes it's sunday. What day is it tomorrow? It's monday. What day is it on saturday? It's national day. Chill out yo.