Monday, October 27, 2008

just die

A shot in the head

I'm back home. In case you guys didn't know, I went to stay over at my cousin's place yesterday.
Why, I don't know why either. LOL
I just suddenly got the feeling to stay over at his place while I was bathing yesterday.
So I asked mom and vuala, one night at his place.
Nothing much there, it's just a new environment to the usual stuffs at night~

So anyway, I'm not here to talk shits about my days or whatever.

Okay, you guys agree that some people should literally just die?
I mean, their actions and their rubbish, makes you wanna just take a gun and shot a bullet through their mother fucking head.
Yesterday, I went to have dinner with my family.
And we were at at T-junction (my dad was driving), and then there was a car coming, but apparently, he didn't signal that he was turning.
So my dad thought he was going straight, and he turned.
But bloody hell, that bastard driver last minute then come out signal, just when my dad was about to turn.
And almost knocked. You know.
Then my dad hurled all sorts of shit out like 'chao aqua la, I tell you, this kind of people should just die, really you know, we don't need them'
Then I was thinking, YEAH ROCKON DAD

Another one for you guys
I was blog/friendster hopping just now.
Then I came across this particular sec 3 going sec 4 guy; sounds very familiar uh?
Yeah it's the same guy which I blogged about a few weeks ago regarding his 'brothers for life' & 'I respect them' theory.
I think some of you might find it stupid right, like, it's their life, why the fuck am I even giving a damn about them?
Let me tell you why, I find their actions very hilarious; looking at their immaturity makes me look back and thank god that I'm over that stage.
Of course, pitying those losers who are still there.
What's it about him today?
So this particular kid was 'jio-ing' this girl from Pasir Ris Secondary, and I don't know how the heck he got to know her, my guess it's Friendster, obviously.
So like, he tried to you know, get close, using all those cheesy words, like 'Hi hunny' when she's not his gf or whatever.
Then I think the girl maybe made him sad or what, so he somehow felt depressed or what, and saying what 'I miss you so much' with the sad face.
And today! I came across his friendster, and omfg, it's another girl, what's best, he got together with her already. Wow.
I mean, what the fuck is wrong with him, toying with the previous girl's feelings or what?
You chase, then you see another girl more pretty one, you gave up the previous one and head for the new one?
It's like buying a Xbox 360 then you think the PS3 is better so you bought the PS3 without playing the Xbox at all.
Obviously he's just getting together with her for her looks and such.
Whatever, I find it quite stupid of him.
Somemore, it's just a few days after his 'depression'.
Oh, and all his friends all said 'Last long'.
Yeah sure it would last long. Maybe 5 days? Long enough I guess if he's just playing
Well, who's to blame? He's still a kid.
I just pray that God would rid him of his immaturity sooner.
Maybe let him die, that'd be better.

Posting this out is better.


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