Monday, November 17, 2008

take a break

I think only Hafiz will know what happened.
I'm really very very disappointed in myself today. I felt that I was still very immatured and such,
That I couldn't take some stuffs.
What the fuck is wrong with me..
You know what agitated me?
Simply putting, a mere game of DotA.
Yeap you got that right, it's just a game of DotA. How the hell did that affect me?

Here's what happen : You think it's lame, but it's okay, because I think it's lame and stupid and ridiculous also. I feel like punching myself in the face now.

The game was going on well, and late game, we were apparently getted owned.
And I guess I was like not happy and such, and so I started to like, shoot the other team for what they're doing.
And of course, they're not happy la, and then I keep fighting back, hurling sarcastic stuffs and such at them, and playing parents whatever.
Ok I'm a fucking bastard.
Damn it man.. what the hell's wrong with me? I still continued believing that I was right, and they were the 'cheaters' and the noobs.
But come to think of it, actually I'm seriously the worst there.
My other teammates were just going on with the game, even though it waas pointless already, and they didn't bother about me fighting with the opposing teammates.
I wish I were like them.
So.... well-taughted.

This whole shit makes me feel so useless, so helpless, and most of all, getting pissed over some stupid stuff.
Man I'm dead sorry to those 2 whom I quarrelled with, because I know it's all just that I'm a god damn motherfucking son of a bitch sore loser.
I hate myself.

I'm taking a break from DotA.
And I wanna get rid of this sore atittude..
Even fucking typing this doesn't really help me a lot.


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