Tuesday, July 29, 2008

12 minutes of faith

Vuala !
Singapore 0-3 Brazil. Actually, I wanted to go and watch the match yesterday, but the tickets were far too expensive, and lucky for me, the whole match was super boring, therefore I saved my money ! I watched the match online on some website, and there was a chatbox there, and those people there talking are seriously talking cock and stupid stuffs, which was very funny. I think I looked at the chatbox more than the match itself lol.

Anyway, I went back to school yesterday to finish up the IDEA car. God damn it, it's such a waste of time, my monday go BOOM just because of it. Had to cut out some parts because the damn wheels doesn't fit, and finish the damn powerpoint. And, just when everything was going the right way on who do which part of the powerpoint, one of my groupmates fucking texted me when I was about to sleep to say she can't download adobe photoshop. I think you guys know who the heck is she, I ranted a lot about her, not only me, I think my whole class hates her. So, I ended up doing a bit of her part, which made my sleeping time minus 1hour. So fucked up ~

And today, the end of IDEA ! EVERYTHING !! YEAH FUCK YEAH MAN ! One senseless module down, another one to go next week, and then it's the other modules already. I'm still totally blur about Electronics, catch no balls man, and for Mechanics today, I forget most of the formulas already, needa refer back to the notes, damn..

So, what am I doing now? Nothing, after a game of dotA lol. Can't seem to find any motivation to do my work whatsoever. Anyway, secondary school's still the best, there barely any thing called projects there lol. Alright dudes/dudettes, enjoy your time.

Saviour King

Sunday, July 27, 2008

and the happy birthday award goes to..

Evelyn !
(Yes I 'stole' this pic from her friendster lol!)

I still remember the great times we had last time. Okay that's fucking gay, except for the happy birthday lol. I think those that were present today knows what it means uh HAHA !

Let's talk about my day first. I woke up early today to go for my SYFC medical. Nothing really freaked me out there, except for the blood test, like, they sucked out 2 bottles of my $10k blood. And the damn dentist is not here today, so I have to go back there next Saturday. Anyway, even if the dentist was here, I still have to go back for the stupid ear pressure test, my left ear can't 'emit' out the pressure or something. I'm not the only one yo, there's still 2 other people who are in the same boat as me ~

So, met up with Dan first before going off to meet Gab and Eve. Pei Shan was late, and Nigel was later, and Veron was flyingly late. Went to Jacks Place.. it was a rip off man ! I wasn't full at all with that mere Fish and Chips. Took some photos after that and headed back home.

And now I'm back here, after a great game of DotA. Now I've got nothing to do. There's 2 tests next week, one AutoCAD test and Mechanics lab test. AutoCAD test was supposed to be 2 days ago, which is Friday, but the system was down the whole day, so vuala! Postponed to next Friday. Well.. Thank God ? Wow.

I wanna take a motorbike license, but I really don't know, like it's so dangerous ! Everyone's saying it. Yeah I know it is too, but it's so cool, and so cheap. If the age to take car license is 21, then I'll go for bike. If it's still 18.. then I don't know, flip a coin or something ? Yes I'm Harvey Dent. Nah just kidding. Okay people, chill out with some durians man.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

go/no go

SYFC called me in the morning today. They told me I was selected.. Honestly, I wasn't expecting their call, because I thought I screwed up yesterday, and like I said, I wasn't interested in it anymore. But.. I guess I'll take it, 10% still counts uh. Well then, so because of this, now I have to change my muay thai lessons to mondays already, no more wednesdays. Wonder if they do allow?
And lets just hope that SYFC doesn't take too much of my time. My medical's this saturday, at like 8am ! Oh well, if I pass my medical then I guess I'm in already, if I fail, then I'm out. We'll see !

Anyway, skipped I2E lesson in the morning today as usual, because its just a talk cock session and I can't get myself off my bed. So yeah, headed straight for workshop. And I pretty much screwed a workpiece, so I have to redo it next week. Oh well.. Had lunch and went home to sleep, was supposed to go for today's muay thai lesson to replace yesterday's, but I was too damn tired to get myself off my bed, so I missed it, I feel so regretful now :(

Soccer tomorrow baby !

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

syfc - so you finally conclude

I'll fucking blog this out before I lose my mood to.

Today was the SYFC interview, and god damn it was it bad, those 2 bastards. Here's what I got bombarded with when I was inside.

First thing, when I'm inside, the dickface called Andy Tan or what shit questioned me about my availability dates. They offer only Wednesday to Sunday, and I can't make it on Wednesday because of muay thai, and Friday because of school, so that leaves with Thursday as the only weekday which I'm free. And he said that if you are only available on 1 weekday, we cannot accept you. Fuck, angry sia me ! Then they ask me what I have on Wednesday, so I said muay thai, and then talk cock talk balls, and ask am I willing to give up muay thai for this shit. Obviously, my interest lies more in muay thai, so that sentence seriously blows me up, and I just said yes. Then the other motherfucker says I'm doubtful. Yes I'm fucking doubtful !! Because I don't wanna give up on muay thai. I wonder why they fucking don't offer Mondays and Tuesdays.

Next, they asked me about plane models, and obviously, I don't know the names of the planes (I lied about researching on them). Then they said you researched and you don't know? Then one of them asked what's the brand of my dad's car, and I told him, and then he said you know your dad's car and don't know the planes ? What the fuck man, dad car everyday see of course know la, plane how can memorise ? I also said I like the national day planes, and the Andy dick asked what's the name, and obviously I don't know, and he said, national day so long already, and they've been flying the same plane. Nabei, win liao loh he. I nothing to say.

Then one headshit asked me a damn puzzle, which I don't know why and find no link in asking =.= He said there were 8 billard balls, and 1 of them is heavier than the rest, and I have a weighing scale. How many tries do I need to find out the heavier one? Then I said 7, because you put 1 ball and weight each one by one. Then got one mini talk no sensible cock from him then in the end I still said 7. So, it's like stupid la, ask billard balls for what sia~

There's still a few more, just that I can't remember all of them, I just remembered the fucked up parts. Honestly, I don't want them to call me tomorrow and tell me I'm accepted, because I don't wanna give up muay thai for it. And my parents is also adding salt to wound, I already told them I don't want SYFC, the reason that I'm going there is mainly because they asked me to, not that I really wanted it or what. Dad especially, I know it's for my fuck's sake future, but what's the point when I have no interest in it ? They just don't get what I mean, like wanting things to go their way. Fuck man, tell ya even if they call me tomorrow, I don't think I'll wanna take it, because it ain't what I'm interested in.

So, fuck the interviewers, fuck SYFC, fuck all those rich babis who earn big bucks after that thing, I'm 90% not going their way.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

road to the future

So, whats up with today?

Headed to school (usually) and had usual lessons, and I freaking don't get any shit for Electronics ! Both lecture and tutorial, like when I thought that lecture can don't care, tutorial can already, but, its both the same =.= Anyway, went for the stupid IDEA and end up doing nothing as usual again, and then it was lunch followed by mechanics.

Was supposed to meet up with Xunfu to check out some muay thai stuffs, but due to money reasons, I postponed it lol. Headed home and got ready to meet up with Gab, Dan, Nigel and Umar for Hellboy II ! Heard from many people that it ain't so good and whatsoever, but here's what I think :

It was awesomeeee ! Except for the abrupt ending, which I think everyone would feel that it sucks. Overall, the show was great, the fighting was nice, the plot was also great. So, two thumbs up for it !

I'm going for my Singapore Youth Flying Club interview tomorrow. So far, those whom I've known signed up for the course passed the interview already, and I'm not done with it. Actually, I wasn't quite interested in it in the beginning, just went for it since my parents keep persuading me to. So, I was more keen for muay thai than flying, yeah some of you might think its stupid uh, but it's my interest what ! So who cares. Oh well, I've been thinking about it already, and I've decided to just go for the SYFC thing, if I'm in, then I'll do my best, if I'm not, then sad loh. Good future also, it's like Football Manager, you buy youth players, and then in the future you enjoy because they're gonna be world class. Okay sorry for linking lol.

Yeah so, wish me luck tomorrow people ! For now, let me enjoy the night ~

Saturday, July 19, 2008

bj + man's best friend

That's the title of the picture itself. Ain't my dog such a babe!? Well, this is gonna be a maybe random post, so bear with me.

When I grow up, I want a dog. LOL. Yeah random uh, like, I would love to live in a flat and rear a cute dog. Okay I really don't know how to continue anymore, so next~

I've been playing Football Manager 2008 the past few days, and I noticed something. It's super addictive, and I seriously got some big nuts in my head. I get so fucked up whenever I lost a match, because it's like, my whole team suddenly screwed up and I get angry over nothing. What the heck man ! Now I've no mood to play it because it feels so boring now, maybe next time.

I've asked my parents what they thought of a bike already, my dad was fine with it, from what I concluded, and my mom's like totally on the other side. She objects so strongly to me getting a bike.. Although I know it's because of my safety. But well.. Shall see how.

Played soccer with the usuals yesterday, it was awesome, with some 'ah bengs' coming and join us as if they're big fucks, and they look so ridiculous, all of them lol~

School nowadays have been the same old shit and shit again, I just finished my script writing (Did I blogged that already?), and the next few tests are in a few weeks time. Like, 2 lab tests in 2 weeks time, and one of them is mechanics. Damn ! I know nuts about it !

Okay people............... I'm going off already..... Haha.... Good night.... :)


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

biking vs driving

So like the title, which one?

Yeah guess I got pretty much nothing to do (although I'm supposed to do my OC crap) so I looked up on both of these vehicles. My class peeps were mostly in for car, and only some were up for a bike, and the reasons are all the same, bike is more dangerous, you die early, which is true.. But ! I don't know, how about you guys see for yourselves?


Cool, rock on !
Fast, due to slim design, able to pass traffic during jams, which in conclusion means no jam at all
Cheap, for both bike and license, $2k would be able to get a wonderful bike
Fuel efficient
Open air ride

Much more dangerous, in conclusion, die young
In an accident, whether your fault or the other person fault, you'll still be in danger
Time wasted putting on raincoat when raining
Air conditioned
2 seater only
Less stability (2 wheels)


Not as dangerous as bike
Accident, car drivers are not in that much danger as bikers as well
Raining, can just relax in car
Air conditioned
4 seater or more
More comfortable
More stability (4 wheels)

Big, thus unable to avoid traffic jams
Not as cool as bikes

So as you can see, there's definitely more advantages of car, and I think the main reason to take car would be, bike is more dangerous lol. But I still think bike is so damn cool ! Although my parents all want me to take car, but I wanna take bike too, maybe I'll persuade them or something.

Anyway, I've got OC script writing tomorrow, and it's such a hassle, have to print out our required stuffs, and write a damn script about over individual presentation, sucks man.
I'm outta here people ~

Monday, July 14, 2008

three cheers to the screwed day

Yeah, today was exactly like the title of this post.
I was supposed to go to school to do the IDEA car at 8am, and I told Fatiha already as well, but I overslept till 9.45am, and Fatiha too, so there was only Victor there. Called Dennis to inform him, and I was the first to reach there other than Dennis and Victor, and what the fuck man, Victor is like fucking blaming me for everything. Dennis as well, 'blame the guy opposite me (which is me)', what the fuck man ~ Fucking Victor is also making it as though its entirely my fault, like why can't he blame that bitch, and blame it all to me, like I'm in charge of calling those motherfuckers, and if they're late or whatsoever, its my fault. Fuck you man.
And then, even lunch, Victor is still fucking blaming me for suggesting to go Boon Lay to eat, because he didn't bring his ez link, like wtf, it's his fucking problem man. Even when Dennis drop his DS, he says it's my fault. Yeah, !!!!!!
Then later on, Fatiha FINALLY came, which is like 3pm. And I made a bet with those that were there that I won't say vulgarities until 4.30pm, if I passed, they have to treat me, if I fail, I'll treat all of them. And during that process, those fuckers were pissing me off, fucking feel like slashing their throat, especially Kelvin, knn talk until so fucky. Then I passed, and he was there asking us, 'who say we owe Bjorn a treat?' Like fucker sia, never keep to his word, then act blur, fuck man. I hate my class. Maybe it's my problem, but I just don't believe it's entirely my fault, fucking IDEA.
And I wasted my time playing Football Manager 2008 at home the whole night today. It's fun and addictive, but losing to some noob team is infuriating, exactly like Pro Evo Soccer 2008, but this ain't so bad.
Anyway, enough of those pissers, now to something more worrying. Wednesday's OC script writing, and yeah, I'm not yet done with it. What the hell man, I totally hate OC and IDEA. Both sucks, IDEA more definitely.
Alright, it's time to kiss the night goodbye now , Bye people ~

Saturday, July 12, 2008


And I'm finally awake and free to blog, oh yes.
Soccer yesterday was fine, although the evening session wasn't like previously. And I injured my toe, there's like some cramping up pain in it halfway and I had to stop playing, man oh man, and I ended up playing psp lol.
Went to Nigel's house after that to stay over to go to the OSIM run the next morning, and we were all dead already by the time we got there, sibei tired. The race's supposed to start at 8am, and we have to report there by like 5am, so stupid sia, and my role was also the slacking one. It was nice to see all the runners cross the finishing line, like so cool lah, especially those junior elites. I'm motivated to become like them (I'm kidding)
Got my $20 and went back to Nigel's house to take my stuff, and after walking a while already, I checked my bag and realised my phone wasn't with me! And I have to make my damn way back to his house to take it, and then walk all the way back home again. K.O once I reached home~
Now to something more sian, there's script writing for OC on this wednesday ! And I haven't even finish my individual project yet, and the script writing is on our individual project. Damn.. OC is such a hassle, stupid module, now I think it's worst than IDEA. I so want to finish up the project, but ya know, I bet we all love this one very word, 'procrastination' - Amen ?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

First on the list

And so, I'm back to blogger once again. Don't ask me the reason for changing, just felt like to.
Anyway, I've been busy staying back in school to finish up the IDEA F1 car design, and today was quite fruitful I guess.
I'm done with the fucking OC group presentation, and I got a damn C ! C man ! I was expecting a B, but oh well.. One guy in my class got an A, hacker ah he, I think he go internet find hack put inside his head one ~
Today ! I was craving for some SweetTalk, so I went to buy it, and it was this china lady who was serving me. I thought nothing was up ah, but when she turned and proceed to seal up the cover of the drink, I looked at her arms (She was wearing like a singlet by the way ) and OMFG THERE WAS FREAKING LOTS OF ARMPIT HAIR, LIKE BOOM ! Fucking disgusting sial ! I just stood there and my whole head was thinking 'omfg omfg omfg'.
It's soccer tomorrow ! Probably 2 sessions, 1 in the morning with classmates, and another in the evening with the usuals. If the evening session was like last week's, man it'll be a blast man.
Okay bye bye !