Tuesday, July 29, 2008

12 minutes of faith

Vuala !
Singapore 0-3 Brazil. Actually, I wanted to go and watch the match yesterday, but the tickets were far too expensive, and lucky for me, the whole match was super boring, therefore I saved my money ! I watched the match online on some website, and there was a chatbox there, and those people there talking are seriously talking cock and stupid stuffs, which was very funny. I think I looked at the chatbox more than the match itself lol.

Anyway, I went back to school yesterday to finish up the IDEA car. God damn it, it's such a waste of time, my monday go BOOM just because of it. Had to cut out some parts because the damn wheels doesn't fit, and finish the damn powerpoint. And, just when everything was going the right way on who do which part of the powerpoint, one of my groupmates fucking texted me when I was about to sleep to say she can't download adobe photoshop. I think you guys know who the heck is she, I ranted a lot about her, not only me, I think my whole class hates her. So, I ended up doing a bit of her part, which made my sleeping time minus 1hour. So fucked up ~

And today, the end of IDEA ! EVERYTHING !! YEAH FUCK YEAH MAN ! One senseless module down, another one to go next week, and then it's the other modules already. I'm still totally blur about Electronics, catch no balls man, and for Mechanics today, I forget most of the formulas already, needa refer back to the notes, damn..

So, what am I doing now? Nothing, after a game of dotA lol. Can't seem to find any motivation to do my work whatsoever. Anyway, secondary school's still the best, there barely any thing called projects there lol. Alright dudes/dudettes, enjoy your time.

Saviour King


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