Thursday, October 30, 2008



Oh I'm bored.
& it's freaking going 1.30am already!

By the way, I slept in class today, for thermofluids.
What the hell! I think I should stop sleeping around 2plus or so.

Anyway, finally the SP Muay Thai grading is on this Sunday.
After dragging for 2 rubbish months they finally decided to get on with it.
If I fail this, Imma take lessons outside !

Okay. Life's been.. fine.
No, maybe some small weeny obstacles.
Gabriel sent me some many of my pictures yesterday, althought I actually wanted a few only.
But so many came out! I got a little scared. LOL
Number 1 classic picture on top

I wanna eat Seoul Garden/Kovan beef noodles!

:D Off to bed!

Monday, October 27, 2008

just die

A shot in the head

I'm back home. In case you guys didn't know, I went to stay over at my cousin's place yesterday.
Why, I don't know why either. LOL
I just suddenly got the feeling to stay over at his place while I was bathing yesterday.
So I asked mom and vuala, one night at his place.
Nothing much there, it's just a new environment to the usual stuffs at night~

So anyway, I'm not here to talk shits about my days or whatever.

Okay, you guys agree that some people should literally just die?
I mean, their actions and their rubbish, makes you wanna just take a gun and shot a bullet through their mother fucking head.
Yesterday, I went to have dinner with my family.
And we were at at T-junction (my dad was driving), and then there was a car coming, but apparently, he didn't signal that he was turning.
So my dad thought he was going straight, and he turned.
But bloody hell, that bastard driver last minute then come out signal, just when my dad was about to turn.
And almost knocked. You know.
Then my dad hurled all sorts of shit out like 'chao aqua la, I tell you, this kind of people should just die, really you know, we don't need them'
Then I was thinking, YEAH ROCKON DAD

Another one for you guys
I was blog/friendster hopping just now.
Then I came across this particular sec 3 going sec 4 guy; sounds very familiar uh?
Yeah it's the same guy which I blogged about a few weeks ago regarding his 'brothers for life' & 'I respect them' theory.
I think some of you might find it stupid right, like, it's their life, why the fuck am I even giving a damn about them?
Let me tell you why, I find their actions very hilarious; looking at their immaturity makes me look back and thank god that I'm over that stage.
Of course, pitying those losers who are still there.
What's it about him today?
So this particular kid was 'jio-ing' this girl from Pasir Ris Secondary, and I don't know how the heck he got to know her, my guess it's Friendster, obviously.
So like, he tried to you know, get close, using all those cheesy words, like 'Hi hunny' when she's not his gf or whatever.
Then I think the girl maybe made him sad or what, so he somehow felt depressed or what, and saying what 'I miss you so much' with the sad face.
And today! I came across his friendster, and omfg, it's another girl, what's best, he got together with her already. Wow.
I mean, what the fuck is wrong with him, toying with the previous girl's feelings or what?
You chase, then you see another girl more pretty one, you gave up the previous one and head for the new one?
It's like buying a Xbox 360 then you think the PS3 is better so you bought the PS3 without playing the Xbox at all.
Obviously he's just getting together with her for her looks and such.
Whatever, I find it quite stupid of him.
Somemore, it's just a few days after his 'depression'.
Oh, and all his friends all said 'Last long'.
Yeah sure it would last long. Maybe 5 days? Long enough I guess if he's just playing
Well, who's to blame? He's still a kid.
I just pray that God would rid him of his immaturity sooner.
Maybe let him die, that'd be better.

Posting this out is better.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

bad bad.

8 more minutes to blog my day out before it turns Sunday!

So today, it was a bad day for me.
I thought it would be a good day, but as soon as I thought it would be a good day, the day went bad.
Very wierd uh.

Here's how it all started.
I woke up, had my lunch, and use my lappy. So after a while, Hafiz said we could go his house, thats when I thought it's gonna be a good day already, after Hafiz place, then it'll be a Man Utd match to end off my day.
But, no. I went to bathe, and then it all went wrong.
I found out that I lost my Nike shorts, which freaking cost me a bloody $20, and my NCC Spec Course shirt, to fit with some other shirts.
The shorts can buy again, but the Spec Course shirt is priceless man.
I took a while to search for it, but obviously I can't find it.
The last time I wore it was like Thursday, during soccer. And I think I left it in the toilet.
So there you go, the first part only.

Second part, I went out to the bus stop to wait for 147.
And, I waited and waited and waited, and no,
NO 147 DAMN IT !
Other buses came like a few times each already, I think 3 times each.
And if you know me, I hate waiting for something for very long.
So I ended up waiting for around 30minutes for one freaking bus.
How bad can it be?

To end off the day, Man Utd 1-1 Everton.
At least a win would end off my day a bit better,
But nah, a draw!
Oh well, I think tomorrow will be a better day.

I made it in time! One more minute before Sunday~

Friday, October 24, 2008

wake me up when september ends

Sungha Jung

This kid is a serious talent man.
Yeah I guess you guys seen him very long ago already uh, but I just recently watched it again, all his songs,
And holy shit their fabulous !
Fingerstyle guitar.. Oh wow. Makes me wanna learn too. Lol.
But sad to say, I'm not as talented as him ):
Anyway, I tried ok, I managed to master the first 20seconds of his 'Wake Me Up When September Ends', and it took me like I think 2 hours what the hell man.
I want an acoustic guitar too, so that it'll be easier, I think lol.

Do I sound like some girl? Like it's those girls going crazy over korean guys or what shit,
But I'm.... Well. No, I just admire a kid talent like him.

No more updates. My past few days were boring.
Only yesterday was a bit on the pissing off side.
It's ok, life's still great ~
Chill out yo.

Oh yeah, I slept in class again today.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

kiss the night goodbye

Give him $25

Shit, it's 1.10am now. Why the heck am I still online!? And still can blog somemore. What the hell man me.
Now why the heck am I scolding myself. LOL, oh well~

Yesterday was school as usual. And I slept during E.Materials lecture! OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Sleeping for 1 lesson = missing out on a lot of things = exam fail = no 4.0 GPA = GONE
That's my equation. But I'm super tired already, and I just ate lunch then, and it's so comfortable to sleep.
So yeah, good game for me for that 1hour :/
Forgetting about that, the day went on normally. Like seriously nothing much.

Today, same old shit again, just that there was a Nike warehouse sale at concourse there, so we decided to check it out.
To our SURPRISE, what they were selling there were totally SHITS.
Bloody hell a used pair of soccer boots cost $99. Don't know robbing us or what.
Even got sell food, what Goldlion boxers, Boomerang plastic bags (Those you know, like the NIKE type, shiny shiny one), and face towels, which obviously isn't Nike stuff at all.
Wonder why they even call it a Nike warehouse sale. Lol

So anyway, I head back home again. Sleeping. And I got nothing to do.
I got study ok, I got take out book read one when I nothing to do. Just that very boring also. LOL
I need to get a notepad too, to like record down what homework or what stuffs. Like, I have to ask my friends what homework everytime, then I also always forget.
And I also apparently forget to buy the notepad today la. Whattttttttttttttttttttttttttttheeeeeeeeeee

Dota with the usuals just now, plus hafiz, with malaysians. Damn it man, we got served.
Ok it's kinda stupid to blog out dota in a post, so NO, I'm just gonna say we got 'fucked'

Someone follow me go eat soon can?

Soccer tomorrow later baby ! Apparently, I got no talent in soccer at all la. BUT,
I don't care, I just wanna play yo. Who cares how people insult you right.
Oh yeah, this reminds me of a phrase ShuangSheng said during his Character Development presentation:
He who allows himself to be insulted, deserves to be.
Not much explaining needed here.

Off to bed now !

Monday, October 20, 2008

boom !

The world is full of lies, only just a portion of truths
Watson lamed this phrase out to me with this picture just now, but I find it interesting. See that white patch? That's the 'truths' if you're wondering. The blue parts are the lies. Lol !

Today's a great day !

Althought I slept at freaking 2plus yesterday, and dread waking up early in the morning,
getting ready for a full day of class again.
Class today was fun and fruitful, caught pretty much a load of things.
I'm starting to love aeronautical again baby.

So anyway, It's just a brief summary. I'm not gonna go like 'Oh I woke up at 6.30am today and bathe, dressed, left house at 7am' or what shit.
That style of blogging is totally boring, from what I think. So how do I come to that conclusion?
I've been talking to finalheaven these past few days, talking about some stuffs, maybe a few gossips or so LOL.
Don't worry if you're reading this, because we didn't talk about you at all (I hope)
So anyway, he was telling me about this particular person's blog, which is like what I said, literally saying every simple and unnecessary details about her whole day. WHOLE.
For example, like what I typed above.
Ok so just to conclude it, it's a boring way of blogging, I'll rather play spider solitaire than read the whole chunk of pointless shit~

So anyway, what made my day today ?
So, we have to group ourselves in groups for Engineering Maths for some project work.
And apparently this malay bitch, whom you should know from my past blog, is just 1 register number above me,
So it's kinda hard to avoid being the same group as her.
What's the deal about this malay girl? Well, I somehow suay suay got teamed with her during first semester for a project, and she FUCKING DID NOTHING AT ALL.
Plainly not coming for most meetings, or either coming late, talk some balls shit, and then just leave.
Oh by the way, just to trace back on my past blog.
She volunteered to do the first sketching of a car. And so we all said ok. We all like didn't ask how was it going on so far,
And then she starts barking around and blaming us for not asking her how was it going,
And even threaten to not write our names inside.
I won't say much already, waste my time only.
To conclude, I think she got wonderful and marvelous talent that could help Singapore to have a better future. That is if you get the true meaning.

Let me continue yeah? We chose our teams, thanks to some appeal, and she's not in my group!
Which means no more bitching from her and cock bullshit!
And marvelously, she didn't come the whole day today, stupid bitch, her future's going down all the way, and that's a nice sight to see.
The group she was 'posted' to, obviously wasn't too happy, because the whole class hate her,
Except for the other girl who only mixes around with her.
The rest all have bad impressions of her, I think all mostly come from my influence one. LOL

There was this mini 'pasar malam' at SP today, and they were selling this kinda small jersey cushions, which I find it super nice lah.
So I bought one, and MAN UNITED FTW of course, just that it's out of Rooney or Ronaldo, so I got Hargreaves instead. Well as long as it's all Man Utd, I'm cool with it.
I bought a mini cushion too, which is Messi, because no more mini Man Utd.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooo.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

what's your mood?

Feel me

Today's one fucking hell of a day.
In fact, it was one of the days which I got damn pissed, and I mean seriously pissed.
If your name is somehow or what inside, sorry, but I'm still gonna say it all out. X if you want

The day got off well, with lessons ending at 10.30am. Slacked around before heading back home.
I wanted to sleep actually, but nah, it's a saturday the next day anyway, I can sleep for as long as I want, so I just stayed awake.
So anyway, there was supposed to be soccer later, the people are : Me, Dan, Chun Han, Ian, Ian's bro, Wasi, Zhi yong, and I found Erasmus, Erasmus found Kienan.
So Chun Han texted me to tell me soccer's at 6.30pm. (Take note, 6.30pm) So okay, had dinner and met up with Dan.
Was a little late, probably just 6.45pm. And not a single person was there.
Fucking Zhiyong and Ian's bro don't know what fuck shit happen, last minute cannot.
What the hell's with all those bastards, why must last minute say, why cannot early say.
Early say, we early find people. Late say, we go find shit for you eat la hor.
So I rang up Chun Han and, he was leaving house, at 6.45pm.
Guess how I felt at the moment baby. He fucking texted me 6.30pm, and 6.45pm he's still at his motherfucking house. WHATS THE DEAL !?
Anyway, Wasi and Ian came soon after, and apparently, some malays wanted to play,
and Ian was fucking reluctant to play, don't know what the heck got over him, lost all his balls at work or whatever.
And then Dan and Wasi don't want to play with them either.


Nice loh, I also LPPL cannot do anything. And fucking Chun Han's still not there yet at 7pm.
Got so fed up that we all left, and I wanted to fucking give him a trashing ~
You give me a timing, I'm there already, but yet you're not there, still dilly dallying at home somemore.

So we all went our seperate ways, Ian apologise to me giving some lame shit excuses I can't be bothered to hear or what, and I met up with Erasmus and Kienan for dinner.
And then, Willie called up Kienan, and from what Kienan said, Willie jio-ed us to go hougang green to play lan, and Kienan said Willie said 'Dota'.
So oh well, go then go, but I got a fucking bad feeling thats it's all gonna end up as a CS shit and I'll be once again wasting my damn time walking there for nothing.
My guess was right, I ended up going back home, waiting for what seems so forever bus 43.
Then Chun Han apparently apologised again, saying what got relatives at his house. Okay whatever punk.

Total time wasted today? 3 hours.

Man, I feel so good shooting it all out here.
Once again, if your name's here, sorry. I rather blog every single details, including what I think,
Rather than just keeping it to myself and do nothing about it.
At least after I post this, I'll feel much better.
Honestly, if ya ask me, I don't give a shit if I offend anyone in this post.

Kudos to whatever for making my day like shit.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

moving on

On the move

Hello people.
I'll try to make this a wee bit longer, so maybe it'll get a wee bit more interesting, I hope.

So anyway, forgetting about my previous few blog posts, I'm alright already.
Don't bother asking me whatever because I won't tell you nor is there any specific reason
So yeah, I'm feeling much much better now, although still not yet 'fully recovered'.

School's still cool.
New stuffs are pretty much easy to understand for now. Figure this out !

//Name : Bjorn Ng
void menu ()
printf ("Hello people.\n") ;
printf ("This is called C. Prog\n") ;
printf ("Where you type a whole load of shit\n") ;
printf ("And only a few words pop out.\n") ;

By the way I typed the whole shit out. That's just the basics, imagine later on. LOL

I've been thinking about something,
Everyone loves to daydream, including me.
Most of them doesn't really come true, well most. It's just to make us feel satisfied.
I thought of really stupid things that I 'predicted' and hoped would happen, and how nice it would be
But of course cannot la, so I ended up like wtf-ing myself for thinking of such shit,
And end up disappointing myself even more. Oh well

Oh, another topic to talk about : A day by day maturity.
Do you feel that after every single day that passed, you feel more matured?
Like for example, you look back at yesterday and you thank god that it's over, because what you did was stupid.
Most simple would be looking back a few years back, then thanking god that 'holy shit I can't believe I even did that'
Anyway, I met up with Dylan, Gifford and Xunfu a few days back, and Dylan said something that is seriously true.
'There're still people at my age (he's 20+) who are still acting like kids"
Tell me you agree with that, hell yeah.

I was blog hopping, until I came upon this blog, this sec 3 going sec 4 guy, and got nothing to do, I looked at his archives, and I noticed this post, if BY chance this guy bumps into this blog, then sorry no offence. Here's a part that caught my attention :

"My parents love to judge people by the cover. They see XXXXX & XXXXXX's gold hair & my mum starts to kp me. "Why mix ard with those Ah Sengs !?! "

Lol, i bo wei gong manzxzxzxzxxzx -.-
So what if my friends dye their hair, IT'S THE BLOODY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS YOU DUMBFUCK !
They are not bad company, they are great brothers. I have alot of respect of them, they stick through thick & thin with me.

Lol, here's what I hvae to say, I don't care if you agree or whatever.
When he said 'they stick through thick and thin with me', man, I think it's too soon to say that.
If by chance they leave him, thats good game
And the only ones who'll be there for him will only be his family.
In a world where every man for himself~

I've got great buddies out there, but nah, saying that they will stick through thick and thin with me,
It's too soon. Still love you buddies. LOL.
Tell you guys, the only people that will SERIOUSLY stick with you through thick and thin is your family.
Oh and your wife after you get married lol
End of Bjorn's Life Lesson.

Time check : 12.45am
School tomorrow : 8am

Monday, October 13, 2008

drop me out please

This is certainly one of the worst few feelings I've felt in my life. Although it isn't that drastically bad.
Anyway for your info, I didn't sleep a wink last night. Can you believe it? And I got a full day at school today, 8 to 5.
My eyes were like burning fire godly piece of owly bullshit, like it's gonna fall anytime.
I came back home, wanting to sleep already.
But look, here I am blogging, and the time is 8.30pm. And I slept at around 6.40pm.
There were many silly and stupid thoughts running through my head, seriously it got me fucked.
Now I still got those dead shit eyes, and I don't know if I'm able to get knocked out later again.
Oh well.

Oh, I got insomina for the past 2 days also. & I know the god damn reason for it. Here's what my 2 sides think.
'Ain't worth it Bj..'
'C'mon, you're getting close, don't give up!'
'Fuck that close shit, give it up, have a free life'

So close yet so far

Sunday, October 12, 2008

three cheers

Poly's starting tomorrow baby ! Study study study man.
I'm half looking forward to poly. Seems very contradicting with the first sentence eh?
Because no more late nights, for at least 2 more months, and my body's used to sleeping at 3 or 4am already.
Oh well, at least I'll be able to broaden my knowledge once again.
I don't care, I'm aiming for 4.0 gpa. No 4.1 .

I'm thinking of teaching tuition to students. LOL~
E maths or a maths man ! But the big shitty problem is, I forget practically almost everything already, so I need to read it over all again.


Saturday, October 11, 2008


I'm online, but I totally don't feel like talking to anyone. Why?
Because I'm tired.
I just wanna listen to some slow, acoustic songs, to keep me going on. Why?
Because I'm tired.
I'm feeling very sick at the thought of school on monday. Why?
I don't know why.
I'm not sleeping yet. Why?
What the hell I don't know why either!

I need to freaking go back SP for some muay thai grading practice tomorrow.
One part of me is asking me to just stay at home for just the last day, then start school on monday.
Another part of me is asking me to go for the practice, so that I can stay in SP muay thai, rather than going out to find something more expensive.

I'm typing line by line again !

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Shit man.
I'm feeling so damn bored every single day.
How I wish school would start now, so that I can stop sitting here and do nothing.
The Bjorn here wanna learn new things and study !
Except that he fucking hates travelling to SP.
Oh, I have to go there this sunday for the SP Muay Thai grading practise.
Like shit, the thought of just travelling there makes me sian.

Oh, did I say this out yet?
I think SP Muay Thai sucks.
Yeah you got that right, they simply don't keep into consideration of people's difficulty, assuming that he/she can make it for like a practise just because they can take off, and he/she can't take off due to some reason.
And gives some excuses like 'If I can take off, so could you'.
But what choice do I have? It's the cheapest deal I can find. Oh well.

You've noticed, I'm typing line by line. Wanted to try it out. But I think I prefer paragraphs. The next post onwards will be back to normal.
I wanna go out.

Monday, October 6, 2008

lost in thought

I'm feeling so :-


Sunday, October 5, 2008

5 in the morning

Hello people, so it's a been a while uh. It's been a week ! And it's a boring week. I'll just talk about the more interesting parts.

Come to think of it, I don't know what to say now lol. Anyway, I still love christian songs so much. I was playing the guitar where I just felt like playing some songs, and then, I realised I still got the file where I put all the christian songs chords and lyrics in. So yeah, it's nice to play those songs, and worship Jesus, but like I said, I just like to play it. No way I'm going back to FCBC. And I played till the wee hours in the morning. So, guitar calms your soul.

What the hell man, what I've just typed is so stupid right, I myself don't know what I'm typing, but it's all true by the way. Oh well. School's starting in about a week's time, and I'm still in the holiday mood. My new timetable came out already too, and it's pretty fine, as compared to the previous 1A DARE classes. I have to take a GEM, which is obviously stupid, and I don't know what to take. Oh well, this sucks !

Overnight again today people.