Sunday, November 30, 2008


Ok I got tagged by Dan - chan to do this

5 things found in my bag
School days? Wallet, PSP, file, pencil case, tissue paper
5 things found in my wallet
IC, EZ link, money, ex movie tickets, SP card
5 things found in my room
Laptop, bed, scissors, dustbin, guitar
5 things I’ve always wanted to do
Do well for studies, be much better in soccer, continue muay thai all the way, get what I want, get a girlfriend, maybe much later on.
List out the 4 presents you wish for
Acoustic guitar
Customized desktop
5 more other presents. Lol!

I tagged _____ and _____

Saturday, November 29, 2008

save now

I didn't know it's been a week since I've blogged already. Lol

My days' been fine,
With the weekly soccer being usuallly again! Woohoo~
Met up with Ann yesterday for holy shit beef noodles and had a talk with her.
And Ann you better know what you doing uh. Lol!

Okay there won't be much updates about life this week. Just some thoughts,
Some of my own personal thoughts.
Sometimes, I feel so damn irritated when I'm being commented on my hair or what.
Yeah I know it's bloody hell curly, I don't mind if it's a bit.
But if it's too much, it just makes me wanna fucking beat the shit out of that person.
Especially my poly mates, continously mocking me,
Just because they got more 'perfect' hair.
Simply hate people for this, so proud of themselves. They will pay
Fucking sarcasm as well, 'Your hair is nice!', 'Your hair is awesome!'
Go screw yourself or something.

I also, feel that,
I can't play soccer. Wtf! I play like shit everytime,
And it's really very infuriating. I love playing soccer so much, but when I start playing it,
I just start to lost control of myself, everything.
I missed the ball, I was 'scared' to dribble past, and I can't make a decision fast.
I hate myself for that.
But Dan said, 'you don't hate yourself, you hate other people.'
Fair enough.

All in all, this week's not a very good week.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

take me.

Take Me (Acoustic) - Hawk Nelson

This is a great song.

I just felt the sudden urge to blog now, even though I'm studying.
E materials test is this monday.
I think I'm prepared for it, but on the other hand, I'm not very confident of it, because it's one of those lessons where I'll sleep.
But thanks to Deepan, I managed to understand most of it now.
Just got a little more memorising to do, and I'll be done (I think) !

I've been playing Football Manager the past few days, and it's so addictive man!
Now I've found a way that wouldn't lag already, but it's still sometimes laggy and such.
And sometimes, I don't know is the game cheat or my tacitc screw up or what,
But the whole thing just seems so 'WTF'.
It's like, you're using Chelsea, you play against Arsenal, they're home.
So if you lost, it's ok, because they got more advantage. Maybe win 3-1.
BUT, when it's the other way round, you're home, the scoreline most of the time is the same,
No, not I 3, is they 3-1 me! Whaaaaaaat.
Then if you just go on holiday for 1 day and let the assistant manager take over, you win big. ???????????

Quite sad though, because I don't think I've got a 4-0 win before. Pathetic uh.
Even when I'm playing against a bloody hell noob team, At most I win 1-0 only.
Seems like I've no luck. Lol
I'm gonna go my neighbour house again later to 'steal' his tactic. Hahahaha~

Muay Thai training is beginning, oh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hows your day today matie?

I'm feeling very sian now.
No not sian as in that type of bored,
Sian as in the 'wah why me sia' that feeling.
Football Manager 2009. ;)

Nah no shit for that face, seriously.
I went my neighbour's place today and got FM09 from him. And apparently, I was lag, like really sometimes very hard to click things and such.
Even the 3d game engine backfired. Hard to see goals and such.
And then my neighbour's PC was like, perfect. Literally perfect. No lag whatsoever~
And here's the deal, my PC is SUPPOSED to be better than his! So why the heck am I lagging instead of him!?
Oh and he got more programs in his PC also. So actually it should be vice versa. Damn.
I'm a perfectionist, so thats why I want everything to somehow be 'perfect'.
I think I'm gonna reformat my pc soon.

Going to studies.
I'm getting a hang of E.Materials already. Woohoo!
Test's next Monday. Shit
And then it's C Prog test, and then it's the holidays!
And I'm going thailand again! Yeahhhhh~

I'm gonna shave botak.



Monday, November 17, 2008

take a break

I think only Hafiz will know what happened.
I'm really very very disappointed in myself today. I felt that I was still very immatured and such,
That I couldn't take some stuffs.
What the fuck is wrong with me..
You know what agitated me?
Simply putting, a mere game of DotA.
Yeap you got that right, it's just a game of DotA. How the hell did that affect me?

Here's what happen : You think it's lame, but it's okay, because I think it's lame and stupid and ridiculous also. I feel like punching myself in the face now.

The game was going on well, and late game, we were apparently getted owned.
And I guess I was like not happy and such, and so I started to like, shoot the other team for what they're doing.
And of course, they're not happy la, and then I keep fighting back, hurling sarcastic stuffs and such at them, and playing parents whatever.
Ok I'm a fucking bastard.
Damn it man.. what the hell's wrong with me? I still continued believing that I was right, and they were the 'cheaters' and the noobs.
But come to think of it, actually I'm seriously the worst there.
My other teammates were just going on with the game, even though it waas pointless already, and they didn't bother about me fighting with the opposing teammates.
I wish I were like them.
So.... well-taughted.

This whole shit makes me feel so useless, so helpless, and most of all, getting pissed over some stupid stuff.
Man I'm dead sorry to those 2 whom I quarrelled with, because I know it's all just that I'm a god damn motherfucking son of a bitch sore loser.
I hate myself.

I'm taking a break from DotA.
And I wanna get rid of this sore atittude..
Even fucking typing this doesn't really help me a lot.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

murphy's law

Hafiz is a tagger

10 wierd things/habits/little facts about me :
1. I'm like everything to go nicely
2. I hate wasting time damn it!
3. I'm totally different at home and out, in terms of fashion and such
4. I like to bite my nails. LOL thats a bad bad habit
5. I hate my hair!
6. I like to eat when I got nothing to do and when my stomach is 'bored'.
7. I love Call of Duty !
8. I'm lazy
9. I will feel very wierd even when there's a slight flaw in something ; I just want it to be perfect and well done. Wierd uh. Lol
10. I need to study today !

Ok, so I think its just tagging 2 people uh.

Yeah I just anyhow thought of them and then just wrote lol.
Okay I'm currently formatting my hard drive now.
Apparently, I can only transfer a maximum of 4gb per file to my hard drive, if any single file is over 4gb, I can't transfer.
So inconvenient right! So I search the web and they said format it.
But, what I'm afraid is that something's gonna screwed up, and I got a bad feeling about this.
It's gonna finish soon, I guess in another 30mins time.
And it's been going on for like 2 hours or so already.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

coach carter

Yeap, you guessed it right, it's a movie : Coach Carter.
I don't know if you guys watched it already or not, but here what I wanna say:
Go watch it !
It's a very nice and touching true story.
Watched it at CD lesson last week and this week.
Up till now, I'm still thinking about the movie lol. Because it's so damn good.
It's a 2005 film, and I say it's on the same standard as maybe Transformers or even Batman.
So go catch it, it's a must watch.
Bjorn's pick -

Sunday, November 9, 2008

still stands

Before all hope is lost

The days have been dull. Totally.
There was supposed to be soccer at the cage on thursday, but some shit screwed up so in the end they played in school and I was lazy to go back.
Friday was another day which I spent doing nothing. Except going over to my neighbour's place to leech his net lol.
Saturday was another day, but I went to my neighbour's place a little earlier to watch Arsenal vs Man Utd. Disappointing but nevermind results.
Today is gonna be another day where I'm gonna stay at home the whole day.
I sum up 4 days in 4 sentence. Know how boring it is now?

Anyway, there's a presentation for CRS this thursday.
I feel all those modules is a totally waste of them, just like IDEA and OC.
OC is worst because the teacher sucks and the presentation sucks, like you have to plan it for so long and then present
CRS is a wee bit better, but not that better.
I gotta write up some script for Psychology too, thankfully I've done 3, so that means 1 more to go.

I got no stories to tell today.
Peace out people, have fun next week.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

late night/early morning quiz

Hafiz tagged me to do this a few days ago, but I was lazy, and since I got nothing to do now,
Why not give it a shot?

RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. Do you have secrets?
Now? I guess so..

2. Would you fall in love with a girl younger than you?
Yeah sure, but above the level where it's define as a 'phedophile'

3. Do you enjoy going to sch?
SP food's awesome, and studying's fun. Travelling sucks only

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Wait till I get it!

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
Guy, no, girl, maybe, but most probably no.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

7.List out 10 favourite things that i like
Top 3 only : Muay Thai, Guitar, Relaxing

8. If you have one wish, what will it be?
I wish that every little thing will be alright.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
Yeah definitely. Shhh

10. What's the memorable thing anyone have done for you?
I don't know LOL

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
No one knows, only God so it ain't up to me to decide what I want

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?

13. What is being regarded as the most important thing in your life?
Once again, family. The only ones who'd stay with me thorough

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Rather married but poor, the feeling that someone's by your side is better than the feeling of being rich

15. What is your favourite colour?
I'll say, more towards black.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, and both of them do the same, who would you pick?

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
Maybe forgive, forget maybe not

19. What do you want to tell the someone you like?
Someone I like? How about wait till that happens? Lol.

I tag John, Mary, Peter, Timothy, Sam

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

every little thing

Hello people.
I can't upload a damn picture now. Fucking slow internet

Oh, my damn internet is gone!!
Or maybe no, it's not even MY internet to begin with in the first place. Lol
So anyway, here's what happened. The wireless I usually connect to is 'Motorola'
Every thing was going fine, I was downloading stuffs, and then I went to play Far Cry 2.
Oh to drift aside a while, Far Cry 2 is cool man.
Love how every single action can affect every little thing
Although the graphics on my computer is pretty much like shit, but oh well.
I can't do shit about it man.

So let's get back to the wireless.
After I'm done playing, I found out that I wasn't connected to any network already, and my msn got signed out, I stopped downloading stuffs.
And now the 'Motorola' shows some words which I forgot, but it means now there's a password to that connection already.
Means GG for me, and my whole family. Because we all always connect to this wireless. LOL
I think my neighbour changed plan or found out or whatever. But oh well, it's a very good excuse to get a router! Then I'm gonna put a password to the connection so that no one can connect.

Okay so today, went to gym with polymates. Been long since I've gym-ed, so yeah.
The main point's not about the gym, it's about what happened at Kovan MRT after I reached there.
So, I alighted at Kovan, and then I went up the escalator. And you know the tapping system, there's one for the handicap, and the rest are for normal people, if you still don't get it, there's a big one and a small one.
And then there's this china lady in front of me. Fuck I can't stand it everytime I think about this, it pisses me off so bad!
This china lady, she went to the handicap system, and she's already preparing to walk through already, because she stand a wee bit in front.
Here's what WTF-ed me, you know the tapping thing is at your RIGHT right, she tapped on the LEFT, which opens up the normal system beside it and not the handicapped one.
And I went what the hell and I ignored her and tapped mine at the handicapped one, on the RIGHT side.
The door opened, I walked through,
I felt some pushing behind me, which also prove that she went across with me.
Then I kept staring at her, her bloody chinese face, and she pretended not to see me or what,
Just fiddling with her rubbish.
You know how I felt? I WAS USED DAMN IT
Can't believe I got used by some stupid and retarded china lady.
Felt like going up to her stupid face and ask if all china people are as dumb and stupid as her.

Anyway, this really made my day, somehow went the wrong way, when it's going the right way.
Anyway, she's retarded. Lol.
I feel so boring now.
I want a chalet during the December holidays.
I wanna go overseas during the December holidays.
I got so much things to do during he December holidays,
But sadly, it's just 3 weeks.

Catch ya soon ajidong.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

mind cracker

Today was a pretty fine day.
Was supposed to go queensway with my parents to get new soccer boots today,
But I was as usual too bloody lazy to get out of bed so they just got one for me themselves.
But I don't care lah, as long as nice and can kick can already~

Then it was Chomp Chomp with Dan, Peishan, Evelyn and An Chun.
After that we went to slack at some place
And thats where the shit comes.
An Chun and Dan started to let us play some retarded/crazy/mind bulging/mind cracking/mind fucking/mind shitass/mind logic/common-sense-but-makes-us-look-like-noobs games.
The games are like, its very easy to solve, just that it gets your mind to think real hard. REAL HARD.
And they give 'hints' like 'You might this it is, but its not' and like its supposed to help us. Lol
So anyway, there were 5 games, including the crazy last one which An Chun gave us at the end, but we all didn't solve it anyway.
I managed to solve the first 4! Although I took a while, but it's worth it.
Because I'm gonna throw those questions at my polymates on Monday.
I wanna see how noob they are. LOL

Anyway, headed back home and went to my neighbour's place to watch soccer.
It was a nice match at first, with Man Utd trailing 3-1 during first half.
And then the pressure started to pile up
Hull city caught up, and the final score was 4-3 Man Utd the winner.
Close match, but if I were the manager I would be quite disappointed in them.
Only in Football Manager la. Haha

Tomorrow's the Muay Thai grading session.
And I didn't go to both of the grading practice because I was lazy, and whats more
Both were at holidays, and it's in SCHOOL, get that, DOVER, and I was super reluctant to go there.

I hate going out to do stuffs during the weekend man.
The weekend's there for me to relax, and there I have to go to do some shit,
So that I can remain in that SP Muay Thai or maybe the 'Training didn't resume during holidays you motherfucking shitheads' Muay Thai.
I talked to my mom about learning outside already, but it's expensive.
I don't care, if I fail this, I'll learn outside already.
Can't believe they dare push the blame to us and give some lame shitass excuse.

Oh well, forgetting about that, I got homework to do,
Engineering Maths, which is A Maths.
And I haven't done it. Shit man
I think I wanna do it tomorrow.
No, I have to !