Wednesday, December 17, 2008

the good old memories baby.

Leave The Memories Alone - Fuel

I talked to Willie during the wee hours of the morning just now, and boy, did we talk about all sorts of things during our HS times.
It sure does bring back tons of memories to me, since sec 1 till now, and this post, is gonna be about my whole HS life,

No not a summary, but word for word, every inch of detail that I can remember.

It's very wordy, so read if you've got time!

Ok lets start from what I talked with him yesterday.
We were talking about people, all kinds of people that came to our mind, and we talked about them, and don't worry, because we're just talking to remember the good times,

How crazy it was at HS, and how noob we were. Haha.
People like Sherman, until to people like Serene. Can't imagine right?

Now lets move on to what I want to talk about shall we?

Pretty much nothing going on when I was sec 1, I'm like those typical kids who thinks that being an 'ah beng' is quite cool,
Thus started acting like I was one.

Oh man, I really can't remember anything about sec 1 already.

Oh yeah! I joined NCC, with Dan and Nigel, because it seems so cool and fun.

I remembered that Dan had a side putting (Hahahah) , and he, Nigel, Ian and Keith was always together, like the best of buddies. I wasn't close to them at all during sec 1,
I'm mostly alone.

I remembered liking this academic girl called Gin, who is a nice girl, and hardworking, but got led astray by those pai kias, I think.
Oh I like this one girl as well, haha, you might think that I'm a playboy right? Yeah you an say so.

Because I can target this girl for 1 week, and the next week, it's another girl already. Gosh. LoL

And I don't have any com, so most of the time, I would find an opportunity to use the com, thus always going Jun ru house, for the start.
I lied to my parents telling them that I went cycling, usually going out around 3 plus, and back at 6.
How can cycle so long one right? Lol
But I went to Jun ru house always to use her computer, and one day my dad found out, and I got double slapped by him.

I think thats one of the times which I really made him angry and sad and disappointed.
Since then, I stopped going her house already. Haha

Sec 2. I was still having the 'Being a gangster is cool' mindset, and continued acting like one.

Yeah I was trying to find a girl for myself, like just have the feeling of being in love and such.

And yeah, I got one, and most of you should know who's that person, I ain't saying out the name
But it's a good experience, makes me look back at my stupid thinking.
FYI, I got together with her through SMS, that means I asked for 'stead' in an SMS, which was the kids way. So yeah

And I was all those act cool type, whenever I see her in school, I would just like act cool to her, and walk away, trying to impress her that I'm cool. Haha~!
I was quite shy, you know, those people that can really talk very nicely and easily through MSN or SMS, but not face to face. Yeap thats me!
Then came Leonut, this super tall fella, who became, my very good friend. I guess he was the first in sec school for me, if I didn't remember wrongly.

And sec 2, the maple spirit was flowing around, so I would always go his house now and then to see him play maple and use his com, because I don't have one myself.

And we would always go gym on thursday, sometimes with Gx as well.
It was the good times, but we often quarrel, and this dragged on to sec 3, and now we're still at loggerheads, but if ya ask me, I would like to be just normal friends with him now. Lol

I remember Fat Ben and his gang was the most xialan group during that time, and Leonard got so pissed about what Ben and Shiny did that he called his friend to find them. Haha
There was a chalet during sec 2 times as well, that was one awesome chalet, I can't remember everything about it now, but it was great.

Sec 3 times

And now, the sec 3 times! Long pants baby!
I think this time, and sec 4 times, is what really affected me the most, because it's the most wonderful time during my sec sch life.

And I said I don't have any com right? So I would always go people house to use their computer, especially Zech's house.
He's always very reluctant, but after much persuasion, he would allow. Cool man.

Ah, I remember this, the first day of school, my pants was not zipped properly and such, and it makes it look as though my little bro is erecting. Yeah it's funny, I know too! But it's because my pants was too big and such.

I remembered that Ron was totally being a bastard, like always, as he is now. Haha, loving to mock at people and such, but hey man! If ya reading this, I'm just playing around yeah. LOL


Sec 3 is the time where it all begin : 174

One time, Ben and Jon and Ron, the 3 of them, similar right? All 3 letters name, all end with 'N'. Lol.

They wanted to scare me, saying that people want find me, but it was to toy around one la, so talking about this is like joking around the old times. Same goes for everything here!

There's also this incident where I disturbed Siru, and Crony wanted to play around with me, so he said she wanted to find me, and I was pretty scared at that time,
Oh, did I say this? I was really really timid during my sec school days, scared that people would beat me up.
And thats the day where 174 started, I think.
Ron drew a symbol, see the bottom right thing at the picture above? Yeah thats it.
Thats to 'officially' make you a 174 member.

And they all were playing block catching, like going floor to floor and tried to catch each other.

I didn't play, because like I said, I was quite timid, and my whole mind was thinking about what Siru and her friends will all do to me

So anyway, it was all a joke yeah.
Then, it all went back to Gin!
Oh Gin was first I think, I bought for her a valentine ring or something, forget already.
And she and her friends came to find me one day, and I was scared also, like obviously. Haha
So I got up the courage, and gave her the ring. Rock on Bjorn!
Oh I was much much closer to Keith during sec 3, because of the maple spirit.
Like, he or me would call each other and talk about maple, those geeky online times. Haha.
And sec 3 was the NCC Spec course! It was a fun time, and Keith was finding trouble with this guy called Oliver, and ya I thought it was plain childish lol.
By the way Oliver is my friend's good friend now. LOL, what a small world uh

Oh and Arts' Fiesta, I pangseh-ed Dan and gang for Keith's small mini gang, because I didn't quite like 174 during that time.

I started going to church during mid june, and there's where another point in my life was changed.
I started to mix around all those church peepies, and literally stopped mixing with 174 totally, and this went on until sec 4.
Some more about sec 3!
That was the time that I started being more closer to Willie and gang, and Willie was always constantly being bullied by Big Jon, Dipen, Crony and me, and he was just laughing it all out,
Thus giving us more guts to try more outrageous thing.

He going crazy over this particular girl ( who everyone should know ) was like adding salt to wound for us. Haha sorry bro!

I think he really hated us during that time. Lol

Talking about Crony, he was drifting more to the gangster side, maybe because of his friends or what? I don't know.

But I know sec 2 going sec 3 Keith was finding trouble with them, when Keith and Crony was good buddies last time as well.
I took up an elective subject called Economics as well, and that bloody Mrs Gan was literally lying to us!
She said she would get a TV for all of us to watch and such, but that was totally all a lie!

What a ass man Ganpa. Lol
But Econs was good, and I started to hate it during mid june.

Oh, and not forgetting the horrifying A Maths! The whole class were like being slashed around by 'Sets' and 'Logs'.
Everyone was complaining about it, and all thought of dropping it.

But me, Gab and Niggly started tuition with this guy called Mr Lau, who come to think of it now, is a wonderful teacher

Sec 3 is where Khong-Sama was also introduced to us as well, and this all went on to sec 4.

I remembered Evelyn telling me this, quite a while ago, that I was being a smartass and a bastard during sec 3 times, that everyone started to avoid me, and backstab me,
And I didn't even know that. Haha.
I was very into friends, so I would always think too much, for example, when like Dan starts to ignore me and such, I would think, why is he ignoring me? What did I do? Gab also said no one liked me during sec 3.
I think it was sec 3 or 4, can't remember, either one, Ben, Dan and Victor all started to ignore me and such, toying with me, oh and Victor was literally being a damn dog to Ben during sec 3 times, don't know whats wrong with him. Lol
So whenever Ben is involved, Victor will always be involved. Not forgetting Ben's bodyguard Ron and Jon

So I felt very fucked up and miserable, because I treated Dan like a good friend, and he treated me like that. But it all went away, I don't know when either. Lol

End of sec 3 ; Last day

NCC Speech day GOH

Ah, sec 4! The O level year!
Quite a wonderful year, but this time, I was more active in 174.
174 started the 'Friday 6am basketball' thing, and this went on till the end of our sec 4 life. Cool uh?

And we all would always 'assemble' at the basketball court seats, or at the PE room seats.
Everyone would gather there, and when the bell rings, we all would go to the Parade Square to settle down. I miss those times man..

Even recess, the 'Last one put back' rule at the last table.
Our usual eating place was ALWAYS at the last table, and it's mostly Nasi Padang, because it's the heaven in HS.

So what's this rule? It's this, the last person to finish the food, will be the one who put all the plates back, and Ron, Jon and Ben were as usual being the bastards again, even if they were last, they wouldn't put it back. LOL
So after eating, we would all go to either the field or the basketball court to play basketball (a picture below), or in the case of the field, we would always cross the ball, and everyone would try to header it in, with the goalpost being 2 trees.
And time went on to mid june, where it's Chinese Os. Everyone knows I screwed it up, because I hate Chinese!
I got a bloody c6 for it and an oral ungraded. So whatever, that was one of the time where my mom was really angry and kept scolding me.

But I took her advice and retook it, and got the same results. Lol
Mom and dad were also angry at me for being too over-active in church activities, which when I think of now, yeah, it really makes me more of a bastard than now, which I don't know why myself either.

Basketball court after recess

Arts' Fiesta 2007

So anyway, I think that I wasn't more of a bastard during sec 4, not very sure myself either, LOL

And I got more closer to Willie and gang.

Now we move on to the dates much more closer to O level, there was one time, me, Erasmus, Kienan, Nigel and Willie went over to Carlson's place to swim, and we took a few videoes, which I'm not uploading because I'm very lazy to transfer from my phone to my psp and then to the computer, but it was a hell of a time.
That was one time which we all really had fun before O level.

And this one time, I bet every one knows this, all those 'magic tricks' started coming up, like, you record a video on your phone, then you pause it, and change position, and when you play, the whole thing makes it look at though it's a magic!

Hard to explain here, here's one video that the whole sec 4 level was looking at them do and laughing, it was a great time man.

Well, after such a very wordy post, This is for 4e3, our daily life

I remember,
One time I went home with Carlson and it was raining, and he didn't have an umbrella, but my maid brought one for me,

And he kept asking me to go home to take one for him, but I don't want because of my laziness, and I think he felt rather pissed with me back then. Haha.

I remember,
Jon was always not paying attention in class, and Crony was sitting beside him,
Jon was like playing his psp every single moment,
And saying he feels sick and always taking MC to go home. Lol

I remember,

During lessons interval, people from 4e4 or 4e2 would come to our class to talk cock a wee bit,
And when the teacher comes, everyone goes back.

I remember,

I was sitting beside Ghim Hong, which Willie said that he was like my dog,

Doing every single thing for me, like 'GH, throw for me and such'.

He's got BO as well. LOL

I remember,
CYC, Chong Yew Cheun, the pollutant ( because CYC is like CFC)
Was going crazy over his long ruler, turning one round,

And then shouting, TRANSFORM!
Oh, not forgetting his BO as well. Lol

I remember,

There will always be something going on at the back of the class,
Either shouting or some stupid stuffs and such,
Which really makes everyone laugh.

I remember,
Khong Sama would always stop teaching halfway,

And then start lecturing us with her common words,

Where everyone got bored of it always ~

Thats all I can remember I guess,

About those 4e3 times.
What a wonderful and memorable 4 years I've been through. Quite priceless uh? Kudos to you if you are able to read the whole thing word for word.
Tag if you want or something. Lol

To end it off, how about some English composition finale?

Word count : 2612


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